Friday, May 29, 2009

Note from President

I'm writing this newsletter in the evening of my first day back from a Caribbean Cruise on Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas. All I can say is WOW!!!!! The Freedom is currently the largest cruise ship in the world. It is 14 stories high and can hold 4,000 passengers and 2,000 crew. Yes….even with the swine flu scare, we decided to risk it and take the trip. (That gives you an idea of how stressed we were!). Needles to say, Ron and I, stepped up to the plate (literally) and ate our share of all the goodies offered on the ship. Did you know ice cream is free!!!! Even though I was on my cruise……my thoughts were with TBPOA. (If you believe that, I have some stocks and bonds I would like to sell you!.)

Word has it that the TBPOA annual garage sale was another success. Thanks to Barb Warman for getting this all set up and thanks to the many volunteers who participated. We can't have these events without volunteers and participants!! I'll let everyone know how much money was made for TBPOA at the June, 7th community meeting.

OUR NEXT EVENT!!!! The Annual Clean-up Day is on Saturday, 5/30/09. As a reminder, you must have your dues paid to participate OR you can pay your dues at the dumpster sight. Remember, the dumpster will be on Majorca near Costenaro. Please check our website:, if you need to review the list of items that are NOT acceptable. The list is in last month's newsletter.

Hopefully, you will get this newsletter just before Memorial Day Weekend. I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend. Don't forget to say a prayer for the men and women (and their families at home) currently serving in the Armed Forces. Their unselfish dedication and courage to defend our country makes me very proud to be an American. AND OF COURSE…….DON'T FORGET TO THANK A VETERAN. Without their courage and sacrifices we would not enjoy the freedoms we have today. We also would not be speaking English……………Whether you support the war or not, please support our Troops! If any of you happen to know how the troops were treated when they returned from Vietnam, you know what I'm talking about.

By now, I hope many of you have had a chance to check out our new website. The web address is: Our new web-designer is Karen Carter of Basque Road. Karen and Doug Berndt worked together to put create the website and to include the different sections you can browse through. They have both done a great job. Thanks to Karen for being patient with the board. Actually, thanks to both of them for being patient with me! Trying to explain to me how to create a website that would be a great communication tool for our community is like trying to explain to me how to put a transmission in my car. Please, please check out the website! I think you will be impressed. There will soon be an e-mail address for me so any questions, comments or suggestions can be sent to me and I will send them out to the board members!

THERE IS MORE COMING! I just can't tell you what it is yet. We want it to be a surprise! I really, really think you will like it!!!!!!

I hope I haven't forgotten anything. Remember, I was in a hot tub a lot so my brain is smaller than usual! (No comments, please.)


Paula Murphy

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