Wednesday, November 6, 2013

ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2014 Beacher's Lodge 7:00 PM

 FINALLY!  I have had such computer issues I was ready to throw it out and buy an old typewriter!  Thanks to Karen Carter (the TBPOA web-master) I am now functioning again! Better late than never!


Tuesday, 11/12/2013 at 7:00 PM at Beacher's Lodge

This is a very important meeting.  We will be electing officers for the year 2014.

Running for office are the following people:

Angie Bell.........President
Irv Stockdale.........1st V. President
Sharon McIlhenney........2nd V. President
Recording Secretary.......Richard Grubb
Treasurer.........................Charlie Novak

This will be a relatively short meeting.  I will review and answer questions from the last meeting, since I haven't been able to post any information.

Please plan to attend this meeting.    It wont last that long!



Thursday, September 12, 2013


Yesterday a roofing company came to our door wanting to check our roof for hail damage.  They are canvassing TB.  I did not let them check our roof because being an ex-insurance agent, I am aware this might be a "scam".  They WILL make sure they find damage.
Before you let someone do any work on your roof....make sure you get a second opinion.
Paula Murphy

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Sorry....the date of the memorial for Joe is Sat. Sept. 7th. at St. Johns Funeral Home. 
11:00 in the morning.


It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that Joe Fell passed away Thursday morning, August 22nd, 2013 while in hospice care.
There will be a memorial service on Saturday morning at 11:00 at St. Johns Funeral Home on SR 207.  Refreshments will be served.
Joe and Betty have lived in Treasure Beach over 25 years and were always very active in the community.  Joe was one of the founding veterinarians of an established dog food company ( Gaines which began in 1928).
He introduced many patented items for dog food and was a leader in the veterinary field.
Joe and Betty were very active in our community. Joe was always willing to trade stories of Treasure Beach and his days back east when he was a  brew master. He will be missed by everyone who has any connection to him. 
I know that Ron and I will always fondly remember our dinners with Joe and Betty and will miss his sense of humor.
Paula and Ron Murphy

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

June Smith

As some of you may already know, we lost a long time resident, June Smith (also know as "June Bug") last week.  Our sympathies go out to June's friends and family for this loss.   

CANAL DREDGING is official now.  The St. Johns  County Commissioners voted to grant TBPOA an MSBU to get the canals dredged.  The next step will be to put the project out to bid to see what company will do the dredging. 
The front page article in The Record was a real eye opener on Monday morning.  I was in the middle of my first cup of coffee....not quite awake until I saw the headlines.  Unfortunately, there were some errors in that article.  The canals have not been dredged for almost 20 years. My husband purchased our property 17 years ago and the canals had been dredged a few years before that.  He had to pay the assessment for 2 years after the purchase.
The second mis-statement was that the erosion was being caused by speeding boats. ( I wish it was that simple.)  The erosion is caused by "mother nature" with the natural rising and lowering of the water level in the canals. AND the fact that some property owners don't maintain their bulkheads.
The article the next day written by Damon Douglas was correct.    What is truly sad is that 137 property owners FAILED TO RESPOND TO LETTERS FROM THE TBPOA OR THE COUNTY!  TBPOA sent out letters 2 different times and the county sent out letters 2 different times.
Having navigable canals is a big selling point for TB.  Our community is the ONLY community in St. Johns County that can directly access the intercoastal by boat.  I sincerely hope and believe that anyone who sells their property in the next few years will make more than a $10,000 profit on that sale because the canals will have been dredged.
Paula Murphy

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Wow! What a great pot luck we had! We also had approx 60 people in attendance. We were having so much fun visiting we really didn't want to have the meeting...but we had to!
The biggest subject of the evening, of course, was the status of the canals. The County has received enough "yes" votes to present our request to the Board of Commissioners. We are not sure if the meeting will be held in July or August....we're still waiting confirmation. Basically, Damon Douglas (w/St. Johns Cty.) will be asking the commissioners if they w/approve an MSBU (basically for us to borrow money from the county to have the project done.) If they say's over....if they say YES...the project still won't start for 6 months.

The next meeting will be on November 12, 2013. This meeting will also be a pot luck AND we will be nominating new officers for the 2014 year and VOTING on those officers by the end of the meeting.
All positions are available to be filled. I'm excited because I already know a few people that are willing to assume positions! Yeah! We need new, younger blood!

NEW IDEA: We always have such good food at the pot luck dinners I thought it would be a good idea to start a Treasure Beach Cookbook!!!! If you like the idea too.....send your recipe to
to paula@tbpoa. Please include your name and phone number. The plan is to get a cookbook printed. Then the committee can consider if we want to sell the books for a fund raiser!

Paula Murphy

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Just heard from St. Johns County.  The county rec'd received 53.2% of in favor of dredging our canals.  The next step is to go before the County Commissioners, which will probably not be until July 16, 2013.
I will update the TBPOA news site and will also set out signs to remind people of the meeting date.
REMEMBER.....if there are bulkheads that our collapsed or not in can call Jim Acosta and leave a message OR you can go onto the county website and got into Code Enforcement and look for the PRIDE tab (I believe on the right side of page)  You can turn in any code violation and remain anonymous.  You will be give a reference number so you can go back into the PRIDE section and view what action has been take.
The bulkheads came up at the 2 county meetings but NO ONE HAS TURNED IN ANY VIOLATIONS TO THE COUNTY.  We need your help to get these violations recorded. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


As of 5/14/2013 (the deadline to get canal forms signed and counted by the county) TB had over 50% of property owners in favor of having the canals dredged.
At the county commissioner's meeting the business manager and TBPOA w/request the commissioners to allow an MSBU (Municipal Services Benefit Unit) for TBPOA so we can proceed with the canal dredging project.
The public is invited to the commissioner meeting.  You can get on the county website and look up the date of the meeting.  I will be posting the date as soon as I have a confirmation of the times, etc.

Friday, May 3, 2013


TB is very close to getting the canals dredged.  If you haven't sent in your canal form, please do so right away.  You can fax the signed form to Damon Douglas at 904-209-0795 or you can e-mail him at   If you cannot fax or e-mail, please call me at 461-4356 and I will pick up the form.  John Kelleher is delivering forms to Damon every other day.
We are down to the deadline!  The committee has spent alot of time and effort getting this project to go forward.  PLEASE HELP BY GETTING YOUR FORM IN TODAY!
I can't believe it, but someone took the American Flag right off of our flag pole on our dock.  We called the police and they told us there has been a huge increase in thefts in general in St. Aug. They also think the thief came up the canal to do this.
If you are missing any items from your home or yard, make sure to notify the Sheriff's Dept.  (Although it is embarrassing to have two patrol cars pull up in front of your house!)
On the other hand, the St. Johns Cty. Sheriff's Dept. has been very responsive to Treasure Beach!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I just talked to Damon Douglas at St. Johns  Cty and he said Jim Acosta (in charge of code enforcement) has not received any calls regarding bulkheads that are not to code.....or even barely standing.
At the two county canal  meetings many people expressed that they didn't want the canals dredged because of bad bulkheads that would fall in.
Please contact Jim Acosta or go onto the St Johns Cty website, go into Code Enforcement, the PRIDE tab, and report a bad bulkhead.  You don't have to put in your name.
Paula Murphy


The canal committee is still in the process of trying to get property owners to return the form mailed to them by St. Johns County with either the "yes" or "no" box checked. (Common people...there was a stamped, self-addressed envelope included!)
We will be following up with phone calls and knocking on doors so we can get correct responses to the county. Property values in Florida are starting to increase and having navigable canals is a very high priority for new buyers.  The estimated annual tax cost is $700.00 per property owner.
I know that is no small amount of money, however,  with property values increasing, you should get that cost and more back when you decide to sell your property.  And, yes, the canals will probably have to be dredged every 20 years.....that's just mother nature.  Everything we own has to be maintained on a regular basis....especially our own bodies!
                                                                NEXT COMMUNITY MEETING - JUNE 11TH, 2013 - BEACHER'S LODGE
                                                                                             --------------POT LUCK-----------
I love pot luck dinners!  So much to choose from!  I will be putting a sign at the front entrance but PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD.
This will be a VERY IMPORTANT meeting.  We will need to be prepared to nominate officers for the 2014 year.   I cannot run for President next year due to family commitments.  WE NEED NEW PEOPLE ON THE BOARD!   We need new ideas, new faces, more energy.  Everyone thinks retired people have all the time in the world on their hands.  Ha!  That's the same time that we want to travel.....if we are still healthy enough to do it!!!!!    
                                                                                                       CRIME STOPPERS
Residents are the best line of defense.  If you see something suspicious, don't hesitate to call the Sheriff's Dept.  There are so many "meth" houses in St. Johns County it is shocking.  I hope we never find a "meth" house in Treasure Beach.  In case you didn't know, we have a resident in TB that was exposed to meth fumes due to a rented apt behind his store.  He is now on a breathing machine 24/7.   If the police locate a meth house in TB, the dwelling would possibly have to be destroyed. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013


St. Johns County sent letters to all residents explaining the MSBU and asking residents to sign their form....either "yes" or "no" and mail it back to them.
If you have not done so as yet....please return the form ASAP.
Paula Murphy

Thursday, March 28, 2013

CANAL DREDGING MEETINGS - We have had 2 canal meetings at the county administration office in the month of March.  When the canal committee sent out their letters asking for signatures...either yes or no....we received 65% yes responses.. Letters went to 455 property owners.  The county then sent out their letters explaining the MSBU that will be needed to fund this project.   If you are reading this post and have not returned your county letter, please do so ASAP!

Many people purchase(d) property in TB because of the access to the inter-coastal waterway.  It is very important, as property owners, that this access be preserved.


If you see code enforcement violations on your street you can go into the St. Johns County website...go to the code enforcement section and click on the PRIDE tab.  You can list a code infraction anonymously or you can put your name.  Either way you choose, you will be given a reference number so you can go back into code enforcement and see the outcome of your notification.


It's always sad when we lose another resident.  Last weekend Charles Picullo died of a heart attack in his home. Charlie used to live at the corner of Costenaro and Pizzaro but had moved to Salado Road approximately one year ago.

The board and the community extend our sympathies to his family and friends.

That's it for this blog......however....check the blog as often as you want to.  We will be adding updates as often as necessary.

We hope everyone has a blessed Easter Holiday.

Paula Murphy
TBPOA President



Greetings!  This is the new way to hear all about TB news, updates, meetings, etc.

We will no longer be putting The President's Dock in the local newspaper. I know some people don't like this new feature.....hopefully it will catch on!  This will be the best way to get news from TB in a much quicker way.  In the past, I had to write the article 30 days in advance and by the time it hit the First Coast was old news!  This new way will also allow out of town property owners to keep in touch w/their investment! Thanks to our "web-master", Karen Carter, for setting up this feature and teaching me and Charlie Novak how to use it!!

Check out the new Anastasia Island Community Journal.  Our V.P, Sharon McIlhenney is the new Community Editor.

OK...let's get started!


As many of you know, the board voted to only have 2-3 meetings per year because of the lack of interest in attending these meetings. June will be our first meeting of this new year.  At this meeting we will need to discuss nominating new board members for 2014.  There will be a meeting in November to nominate AND vote on the new board members.

We sincerely hope to have new volunteers that want to be on the board as we are going to lose 2-3 at the end of this year.  I will not run for President again due to family responsibilities. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Don't forget the next canal dredging meeting is 3/26/2013 at the County Admin office at 500 San Sebastian View at 6:00 pm.

Friday, March 8, 2013

testing 1-2-3

Paula going live on the Treasure Beach blog in 3-2.....