Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 2010 Newsletter


AUGUST, 2010

Well, July 4th, 2010 came and went! I hope everyone enjoyed the Holiday and that no one was injured by a rouge firecracker. I heard from our children that the fireworks display downtown was great… usual. My husband and I chose to stay home this year…..uh oh……I think that's a sign we're getting old!
Even though Memorial Day and July 4th are over for another year, our soldiers continue to defend our country 24/7. Don't stop thanking a soldier anytime you see one. Whether you believe in the war or not, our soldiers are putting their lives on hold and some of them dying to defend this country. Ron and I have a niece in Kuwait, so this is personal for us.

Steve Bitar, from Citizens Property Insurance Corp. spoke at our June meeting and was very informative. I would imagine most of the mobile homes in Treasure Beach are insured by Citizens. There are loss settlement changes that apply to mobile homes that are 1994 and older. If your home falls into that age group, you should contact your Citizen's agent and ask about the new loss settlement changes. Steve also mentioned that there are improvements that you can make to your mobile home to make you feel more secure. Your Citizen's agent can give you more information on this matter.



September 14, 2010 – Beacher's Lodge - THIS MEETING IS A POT LUCK MEETING STARTING AT 6:00.Please bring a covered dish to share. (It's like a party so we can see residents we haven't seen over the summer!) Everyone is invited, owners and renters. It's a great way to get acquainted. Plus the food is great!

Guest speaker: John Birney, Financial Planner, will be speaking at our meeting about retirement income ideas. John has been a financial planner for 25 years. His St. Augustine office is at Herbie Wiles Ins. Agency. He also has an office in Palm Coast. Mr. Birney was recommended to me by two different clients. This is just an "informational" meeting. There will be no sales pitch!

October 12, 2010 – 7:30- Beacher's Lodge . This meeting will focus on nominations for new board members for the 2011 year. Please come to this meeting with at least one name that you would like to recommend for positions on the board. All positions are available. Please give serious thought to serving as a board member. We have an excellent board now…..but frankly….some members are tired! NOT THAT IT'S A HARD JOB! I don't want to scare you! It's just that the current members have been volunteering for sometime now. I plan on throwing my hat into the mix again this year.


How is that for being on top of things! (Does that make up for all the things I miss?)

We had a great time last year, thanks to Gisela and her many, many volunteers!

I'll give you more details as the date gets closer.


We are going to have a "clean up day" on Saturday, September 25th. I would like this to be a real community affair. We will be looking for one adult on each street to get a group of kids on their street to help clean up. The time will be from 9:00 to 10:30 (AM). Trash bags and gloves will be provided. We will meet at 8:45 AM at Treasure Beach Blvd. and Costanero to hand out the supplies (where the kids catch the buses).

There will be snacks and drinks provided at 10:30 to 10:45 a.m. at the corner of Treasure Beach Blvd and Costanero, plus an additional surprise! This is a great way to teach our children about community involvement and pride in your community.

Please e-mail me at or call me at 461-4356 to register your child. The parent does not have to participate. There will be an adult with each group of children.


Karen Miles continues to stay on top of the issues with the OFW…….There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes. As I learn more information, I will pass onto everyone.


Well, I'm running out of time to get this article to the Record so I have to stop! If you really want to know what goes on in our community…please come to the next meeting on September 14th…..bring a covered dish or just come to the meeting at 7:30.

Thanks for your continuing support!!!

Paula Murphy
