Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I just talked to Damon Douglas at St. Johns  Cty and he said Jim Acosta (in charge of code enforcement) has not received any calls regarding bulkheads that are not to code.....or even barely standing.
At the two county canal  meetings many people expressed that they didn't want the canals dredged because of bad bulkheads that would fall in.
Please contact Jim Acosta or go onto the St Johns Cty website, go into Code Enforcement, the PRIDE tab, and report a bad bulkhead.  You don't have to put in your name.
Paula Murphy


The canal committee is still in the process of trying to get property owners to return the form mailed to them by St. Johns County with either the "yes" or "no" box checked. (Common people...there was a stamped, self-addressed envelope included!)
We will be following up with phone calls and knocking on doors so we can get correct responses to the county. Property values in Florida are starting to increase and having navigable canals is a very high priority for new buyers.  The estimated annual tax cost is $700.00 per property owner.
I know that is no small amount of money, however,  with property values increasing, you should get that cost and more back when you decide to sell your property.  And, yes, the canals will probably have to be dredged every 20 years.....that's just mother nature.  Everything we own has to be maintained on a regular basis....especially our own bodies!
                                                                NEXT COMMUNITY MEETING - JUNE 11TH, 2013 - BEACHER'S LODGE
                                                                                             --------------POT LUCK-----------
I love pot luck dinners!  So much to choose from!  I will be putting a sign at the front entrance but PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD.
This will be a VERY IMPORTANT meeting.  We will need to be prepared to nominate officers for the 2014 year.   I cannot run for President next year due to family commitments.  WE NEED NEW PEOPLE ON THE BOARD!   We need new ideas, new faces, more energy.  Everyone thinks retired people have all the time in the world on their hands.  Ha!  That's the same time that we want to travel.....if we are still healthy enough to do it!!!!!    
                                                                                                       CRIME STOPPERS
Residents are the best line of defense.  If you see something suspicious, don't hesitate to call the Sheriff's Dept.  There are so many "meth" houses in St. Johns County it is shocking.  I hope we never find a "meth" house in Treasure Beach.  In case you didn't know, we have a resident in TB that was exposed to meth fumes due to a rented apt behind his store.  He is now on a breathing machine 24/7.   If the police locate a meth house in TB, the dwelling would possibly have to be destroyed. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013


St. Johns County sent letters to all residents explaining the MSBU and asking residents to sign their form....either "yes" or "no" and mail it back to them.
If you have not done so as yet....please return the form ASAP.
Paula Murphy