Saturday, December 1, 2007

December 2007 Newsletter

Merry Christmas everybody!! And Happy Hanukah, too.
I hope you all will have an enjoyable holiday season finishes up with a welcoming into the New Year 2008. We all have much to be thankful. If you are reading this now you are fortunate to be alive. My wife Taunnie is healing very well and we thank you for all your prayers and good wishes for a speedy recovery.

To me the winter season always seems to bring sadness with the passing of someone you knew - like the old fella Bill (we really never got to know his last name) who died on Thanksgiving Day. Bill lived at Costanero and Pizarro. Taunnie and I always stopped to chat with Bill when he was outside. Then there was Barbara O'Connell who passed away in November, as well. We were friends with Jim and Barbara. Actually we met them while singing in our church choir. Barbara had a beautiful soprano voice. The soft angelic sounds she offered gave me goose bumps. Taunnie and I will miss Bill and Barbara.

I hope you noticed our front entrance decorations for 2007 - the Christmas decorations were installed on a Sunday morning by Treasure Beach volunteers Steve and Phyllis Abbott. I would like to thank you both for volunteering to do this job for our community.

Also, have you noticed how our very own Jill Ziebell has designed our planters in front? Looking good Miss Jill!! It looks like you are getting ready to lay down some flagstone to contrast the front wall colors. We are grateful for your time and talent.

The following board members will be installed at our January 4, 2008, meeting at Beachers Lodge. Please make plans to attend this meeting to show your support for their efforts in 2008.

Treasure -- Barbara Warman

Corresponding Secretary -- Rose Larsen

Recording Secretary -- Richard Grubb

Vice President -- Doug Berndt

Vice President -- Paula Murphy

Vice President -- Jim Berrier

Vice President -- Erica Whitley

President -- Charlie Novak

Once again, I would like to thank folks named above for accepting the tasks and duties as officers for TBPOA. I am confident that this body of individuals will work to the best interest of Treasure Beach. I personally look forward to working with these fine people.

Our plate will be full this year with special tasks but we are up to it. The first thing on the list of things to do is our membership letter that will be mailed to every property owner in Treasure Beach - February 2008

We have a planning committee working as I write, to begin repairs to our beach walk. We also have a Treasure Beach Clean up day set for January 2008. We have made plans to accept building materials that you have been wanting to get rid of but did not have the pick up truck to take to the landfill.

Our Canal Committee will be on the job coordinating effort with our county commission and with the help of Mr. Ben Rich our district commissioner. Don't forget to keep him in mind when he runs for a second term.

I will try to steer our tasks toward completion, as long as God grants me the health and sanity to do it.

Neighborhood Watch

Doug Berndt (461-6943) always needs volunteers for the Neighborhood Watch. He is just asking for just one (1) week of your personal time. Look for his column in this edition. Also his time and efforts in the Web Site is substantial. He is hoping that a community member would step forward to take the job of assigning Neighborhood Watch weeks. Please give him a call if you might want to take over this task.

Our Web Site:

Have you taken a Gander at the site??? Please do yourself a favor. Look it over. Doug Berndt has done a great job. We are so proud of you Doug. Good Job!! The web site is WWW.TREASURE-BEACH.NET

Community Clean Up:

Our chairman ,George Pascucci, working with Jim Berrier has set a date in January 2008 for the Neighborhood Clean-up that would include construction lumber/materials but not batteries or volatile liquids or propane tanks and no regular trash or lawn trash that is normally picked up at your driveway each week. Look for signs posted thought your community for the date and place.

Last but not least --

Our Christmas Party held at Amici's was very nice and really a lot of fun. No, we failed to get 100 folks to attend; we had about 85 in attendance. Three of our commissioners and their spouse and children, as well as, Col. Art May and his wife of our Sheriff's Department accepted our invitation. I do know that they enjoyed themselves.

The food was very good as usual and so were the desserts. George the D.J. was there to help us dance the night away. Then Evelyn Delaney gathered up volunteers to lead us in song. We also had a great time playing the kazoos to well-known songs of the holidays. Not to forget the duo song presentation by Tom Manuel and Ben Rich singing " Grandma got run over by a beer truck". And let's not forget the wonderful folks from Lighthouse Realty- They are a real "party crowd". It was fun seeing them have fun. You know - Peter Diamond and Karen Lindsey have supported Treasure Beach functions for as long as I can recall. The door prizes of wine ( so lovely packaged ) and the gift certificates for Amici's were absolutely wonderful. Thank you very much.

Oh -- did I forget anyone???? No I did not ...I wanted to give special acknowledgement to:

Evelyn Delaney, Betty Fell and Dot Delaney - may I say thank you for your time and expertise ( in party planning) and your total efforts to make this party a very nice experience.

To those who could not make this affair for one reason or another - I wish you could have attended. You missed out on an enjoyable evening with good food and fun. You missed a chance to sit with and meet your neighbors. You missed a chance to chat with your commissioners and Col. Art May of our Sheriffs Department. Finally, you missed an opportunity to support your very own community and for this I was disappointed.

May you all have a very nice Christmas Season. May your new year be one of good health and happiness .God Bless you all.

Charlie Novak,
President, TBPOA

Thursday, November 1, 2007

November 2007 Newsletter

Gosh the time just jumped up and bit me. I am writing at the very last moments approaching our newsletter deadline.
I must regret any losses sustained to our residents property because of all the rain we have received. I know that a few of your bulkheads have failed. If our canal committee has helped you in some fashion, I am pleased.

Our November meeting will be a potluck meeting that begins at 6:00 P.M. It is scheduled for Friday November 9th (the 2nd Friday of the month).

The theme will be "Thanksgiving". TBPOA will purchase the turkey and drinks. You might want to bring roast beef, ham or shrimp along with salads and various veggies.

Also, desserts of all kinds will never be turned away.

The nominating committee will present the nominees for the Board of Directors for 2008 and accept nominations from the floor. After which a vote will take place to select the officers.

A drawing for 2 tickets for the Treasure Beach Christmas Party will be held. Tickets were sold at the last community meeting and will be sold at the November meeting. Spend $5 bucks and take a chance on winning $ 75.00 worth of tickets.

I just spoke to Rose Larsen and she said that our lunch bunch will be held at the Palms Grille at 5:00 P.M. on Wednesday November 14th we will give you an up-date regarding the menu later.

Neighborhood Watch

Doug Berndt (461-6943) always needs volunteers for the Neighborhood Watch. He is just asking for just one (1) week of your personal time. Look for his column in this edition.

Regarding the Canals:

Right now it is a "work in progress" as we wait for the county commissioners to award a Marine Engineering Company to determine the health and well being of the canals. Doug Martin (our canal chairman will keep us advised. I am very up beat about our progress thanks to the leadership of Doug Martin.


Our 2007 Board of Directors has unanimously agreed to pursue a membership campaign for 2008. Chairperson Erika Whitley is working diligently to gather the official county mailing addresses of Treasure Beach Property Owners.

Purpose: TBPOA will to send a letter asking that you join as a member of the association. The letter will explain what the association does for you as property owners and why we need you on the membership roles as members in good standing.

Regarding the Ocean boardwalk:

We have discussed a work party to repair/replace the walkway to the beach. We will be asking for volunteers to help us out soon. George Pascucci is our chairman who volunteered to organize a team meeting to discuss plans for this project. We may meet at the Palms Grille on a Friday (to be selected) after 6:00 P.M.We will be asking for your time and talent in the near future. Please say yes when you are asked to help.

Slate of Officers for 2008:

Treasurer -- Barbara Warman
Recording Secretary -- Richard Grubb
Corresponding Secretary -- Rose Larsen
4th Vice President -- Doug Berndt
3rd Vice President -- Paula Murphy
2nd Vice President -- James Berrier
1st Vice President -- Erika Whitley
President -- Charlie Novak

If you would like to run for any of the above duties please submit your name to Taunnie Novak (Nominating Chairperson) anytime before the beginning of our meeting on Friday November 9,2007. Taunnie's phone number is 471-1579 and her email is
Our Web Site:

Our very own Douglas Berndt has agreed to begin the process of up-dating our Web Site.

If successful, we may have our site up and running before Christmas??? We will then have a monthly up-date of Treasure Beach News accessible anywhere in the world, free classified ads to members in good standing and we will be selling advertising space to folks who want to advertise their business on our site (there will be a discount to members in good standing). The advertising banners sold will be a way to offset the cost of maintaining our site. Once this site is up and running we will be adding another web-master to assist Doug Berndt.

Treasure Beach Christmas Party:

We have signed a contract with Amicis' Restaurant for our Annual Christmas Party. The event will take place on Saturday December 1,2007 at 6:00 P.M.

We received so many great complements from those who attended last year that we decided to do it again. Evelyn Delaney, Betty Fell and Dot Delaney are kicking in again this year to decorate and coordinate this event. Contact Evelyn Delaney about tickets. Make your reservation soon. It's not that far away.

For Sale Announcements:

My offer still stands - I will take an email from those who wish to sell or give away items they do not want until our Web Site is up and running. I will take your requests and broadcast to our Treasure Beach residents. For those who are on my email broadcast system this service is free. I just want to give a value added item for Treasure Beach. My e - mail address is CNOVAK6@BELLSOUTH.NET

Community Clean Up:

We have a chairman (George Pascucci) who is looking into a Neighborhood Clean-up that would include construction lumber/materials but not batteries or volatile liquids or propane tanks. We hope to get this set-up after January of 2008.

Our Newsletter /Publication:

We are so appreciate the time and talent of Doug and Sheila Martin (our newsletter editors) for making our newsletter so successful. I believe that we have a distribution of nearly 7,500 households in southern St Johns County. I can recall that only 2 = years ago we had only 5 or 6 pages. Today the newsletter distributed contains nearly 40 pages.

Respectfully Submitted,
Charlie Novak
President TBPOA

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Special Notice Regarding Your Home

Take advantage of this program- it was created by our elected legislators!! I did not meet the elgiblity for totally free grant but I am going to check out the Florida "match" of up to $ 5,000.

My Safe Florida Home program

Did you know?

Strengthening your home against hurricanes can help.....

1. Reduce the amount and extent of hurricane damage to your home. A Category 1 Hurricane with winds of 75 mph can inflict as much as $ 25,000. in damage to a home without opening protection.

2. Improve your overall recovery time from a Hurricane. On average, homeowners without hurricane protection on their windows and doors took nearly one year to fully recover from a catastrophic hurricane.

3. Save money on your hurricane insurance premium. Protecting your windows and doors, including garage doors, may help you save more that 10 percent on your hurricane insurance.

The My Florida Home program was created by Florida Legislature in 2006 to help Floridians strengthen their homes against hurricanes. You may be eligible for a free wind inspection, which will tell you how you can best protect your home. Additionally, if you receive an inspection and meet certain requirements, you may be eligible to apply for a matching grant of up to $ 5,000.Also, you may be eligible for a full grant (cost free) if you make the annual earnings limitations.

To learn more or to apply for a free wind inspection, log onto WWW.MYSAFEFLORIDAHOME.COM or call the My Safe Florida Home program toll-free at 1-866-513-6734.

For FREE INSPECTION use the following CODE:A-01

The above information was put out by:

Alex Sink

Chief Financial Officer

State of Florida/Administered by the Florida Department of Financial Services

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

August 2007 Newsletter

Hope you are enjoying your summer. Once again the community meetings are on hold until September 2007 at the Beachers Lodge.

We will sponsor an "Ice Cream Social" that evening. Bring a friend, bring a neighbor -- we have a special deal. Bring a friend/neighbor residing in Treasure Beach that has not been for a while or has never attended a meeting and your name plus the person you brought will be eligible for drawing of a cash prize. So, there may be some cash in it for you. Our Community Meeting begins at the regular time, 7:30 P.M. Friday September 7th.

We will have 2 guest speakers at this meeting. Our Sheriffs Office will be on hand to talk about our community safety and scam artists. Our second speakers will discuss their plans for the 6 home development at Desoto Road. Our meeting agenda will go like this:

Opening remarks

Guest Speaker- Sheriffs Office( 1/2 hour)

Guest Speakers -- Desoto Road Planned Development ( 1/2 hour)

Ice Cream Social -- 1/2 hour

Short Business Meeting

Lottery Ticket and cash prize awarded.

We will be out no later than 9:45 P.M.

A Vacation from Business:

Your Board of Directors took off for July for a well-deserved break. We will start-up our Board Meetings on August 20th.

Doug Berndt (461-6943) always needs volunteers for the Neighborhood Watch. He is just asking for just one (1) week of your personal time.

Regarding the Canals:

In July Doug Martin (our canal chairman) accompanied by Ron Larsen and myself attended a meeting at the County Purchasing Office regarding the selection of a Marine Professional Company who would inspect Treasure Beach canals and assess the bulkheads (regarding physical condition). As information - there were 5 companies who submitted their credentials and bids. We voiced our concerns regarding the selection process letting it known that we did not want one specific individual contractor to be any part of this process.

I believe that our remarks were taken seriously by the committee .We now await the County Commissioners award. We think the selection will benefit our community.

Regarding the Ocean boardwalk:

This subject will resume at our August Board Meeting.

The Annual Bowling Outing:

Well, there was apparently no interest. The outing was a bust. No Shows(except for me). Oh well maybe another time.

Our Annual Treasure Beach Party:

We did not have too many neighbors attending; maybe it was the heat wave we have been experiencing. Those who attended forgot to bring their camera for that Kodak Moment. We learn by our mistakes. Next year we'll try to improve out announcement of this venue.

Our Front Entrance:

I would like to take this time to thank all the residents who have donated their "Dirt" to get things going for our entrance beautification chairperson Jill to start planting. I see that we are still short the dirt that is needed for the planters.

So, run out to the garden center and donate your bag of dirt if you haven't done so. We are depending upon you.

Treasure Beach Christmas Party:

We have signed a contract with Amicis' Restaurant for our Annual Christmas Party. The event will take place on Saturday December 1,2007 at 6:00 P.M.

We received so many great complements from those who attended that we decided to do it again. We will remind you about tickets in the next month or so.

For Sale Announcements:

I will take an email from those who wish to sell or give away items they do not want. Until our Web Site is up and running. I will take your requests and broad cast to our Treasure Beach residents. For those who are on my email broadcast system this service is free. I just want to give a value added item for Treasure Beach. My e mail address is CNOVAK6@BELLSOUTH.NET .

Respectfully Submitted,

Charlie Novak

President TBPOA

Sunday, July 1, 2007

July 2007 Newsletter

Hope you are enjoying your summer. Once again the community meetings are on hold until September 2007 at the Beachers Lodge. I believe that we will sponsor an "Ice Cream Social" that evening. Bring a friend, bring a neighbor -- we have a special deal but you will find out later in this newsletter .All I can say is that there may be some cash in it for you. This is not an early meeting -- regular time, 7:30 P.M.

Even your Board of Directors took off for July for a well-deserved break. We will start back in August.

I am sure that Doug, our Vice President in charge of Neighborhood Watch, has had his hands full with the reports of summer mischief going on. Remember, if your property is vandalized or property is missing --CALL the sheriffs office and make a report. One of my neighbors down the street stopped by and told me of what had occurred on our street and another across the canal from us. I asked -- did you report it? (Answer =yes). Next- did you report it to Doug Berndt? (No but he will). REPORT _ REPORT _ REPORT. You know that phrase from the Sheriffs office. They can't attempt to help unless you let them know what's happening here in our community.

Doug Berndt (461-6943) always needs volunteers for the neighborhood watch. He is just asking for just one (1) week of your personal time. Once again, if just half of our property owners participated, you wouldn't have to do it again for 4 years later. Yes, that's right --once every 4 years. Come on, help us help you. Sign up for a week today.

We had a wonderful time last month when all our children and their children spent some time with us. It's been three years since we were able to do this back in 2004. Taunnie and I also had to opportunity to watch our youngest grandchild -- Jackson- while his brother Adam and sister Emma took a trip with their Mom and Dad (Faye and Vince) to the Curacao Islands in the Caribbean. Our other children are Kimberly who has a daughter Sierra and Mike and Jocelyn who also have a daughter Jessica. Taunnie and I are truly blessed with a lovely family. Vince and Faye make their home in Ashville, N.C and Mike and Jocelyn live here in St Augustine at the Shores while Kimberly and Sierra live in Mandarin.

On another note:

It seems that the majority of us were spared damage from the big storm that passed through a month ago. We had some photos taken by Doug Berndt of the damages to some of our neighbor's property. George Pascucci told me that winds were clocked at 120 mph on the 206 Bridge.

I know that we all have some kind of tale about the storm we had a month ago. I thought that I would share our story. We live on Pizarro Road. Our electric power went out at 11:30 a.m. and was not restored until 12 hours later. The electric was restored about 12:30 midnight so I went ahead and re-set all the clocks and timers in the house and went to bed. No big deal.

At 1:00 A.M there was a knock on the front door. Answering the door I was greeted by one of our Deputies who knew me by name (from the Neighborhood Watch) .He said, Mr. Novak I wanted to tell you that your little car parked out front of your house is being showered by sparks from the electric wires above. I just did not want your car to burn up. You may want to consider moving it to another place. Looking up at the wires I saw what he was talking about. It looked like the 4th of July celebrations with flames and sparks reining down on my Honda.

I promptly moved my car and return to talk with him. The deputy had already called our Fire Department. Within a half hour the fire truck came. I watched the firemen crew and the deputy assess the problem with sparks flying and my tree branches burning. The branches were shorting out on the main overhead FPL wires. The head fireman then told me that they would have to call FPL for emergency tree cutting. At 2:00 a.m. along came FPL and a tree cutting company and they proceeded to cut the limbs over the wires but not before the electric was cut off for safety. Once again Pizarro Road was without power.

By 3A.M. the limbs were removed and power restored once again. The next day the tree cutters cut additional limbs and removed the entire cuttings, which was a lot.

Needless to say I didn't get much sleep however I am thankful for the courtesy of the Deputy who initially saw the problem. Heck, our car could have caught fire.

Last week my son Vincent and I took my boat out for a spin in the inter-coastal after my neighbor Brian Stephenson got my motor cranking after a year of non-use. Brian is in the business of servicing boat motors locally and has his own business. He is a professional who sure knows what he is doing. He's been in business for 35 years and will come to your house if you need him (377-5900). Brian quickly diagnosed the problem and got my motor running. So if you ever need a boat mechanic just call Brian .He lives right here in Treasure Beach on Pizarro. His company name is Island Boat Sales. Brian is just a down to earth nice guy.

Well as I was saying, Vince and I took out for the inter-coastal and the motor stopped. I called Brian on his cell and he offered to come bring me back to my dock. With Brian's

Prompting Vince and I crippled our boat to Treasure Beach's main canal that runs parallel to the inter-coastal and the engine died again. We tied up to someone's dock off.

I check my fuel gauge and it showed "FULL" ...Guess what - the fuel gauge was wrong as we discovered later. My tank was empty.

Along came one our neighbors Larry Hunt with his boat who lives on Basque. Larry was very kind to tow us back to my dock. Larry I thank you so much.

You know, we have some really nice folks here in Treasure Beach and Larry is just one of those considerate people who would come to your need at a drop of a hat.

Enough of me-

The construction of our Front Entrance has been completed. Looks like the final figures hit $5,000. I have submitted to the insurance company for reimbursement. Steve Abbott has just placed the "Hospitality Pineapples" up on the top caps as a finishing touch. The electric has been installed and working. Doug Berndt our Vice President is preparing to get some fill dirt in the planter boxes for Jill Ziebell (our Chairperson of the Front Entrance Beautification Committee). She will be attending to the beautification portion shortly. She is just waiting for the dirt to arrive.

I want to take this time to thank Nancy Gaj who turned over the chairperson duties to Jill Ziebell. Nancy, I would like to say that you have done a wonderful job and your efforts have not gone without notice by the Treasure Beach Community. You are truly a great neighbor and a dedicated member of this association.

Jill we look forward to your award winning ideas and designs that was recently noted by the Florida Horticultural Society. Thank you in advance for volunteering your time and efforts. By the way, if anyone would like to assist Jill in her efforts with our front entrance just give her a call at home (471-7239). She will gladly accept your assistance.

Regarding the Canals:

There is nothing new to report at this time. The county has advertised bids for the assessment of the canals by marine professionals as reported last month.

Regarding the Ocean boardwalk:

This subject will resume at our August Board Meeting. My June message in the newsletter said we were quite concerned about Seychelles's showing no desire to work with this community. We are considering legal council.

Finally, your Board of Directors are continuing to look for a replacement to the soon to be vacant position of President of TBPOA. My job duties will end the first week of January 2008. Anyone who would like to be considered for this position and make a difference in Treasure Beach please contact any one of the Board members whose phone numbers are shown in this newsletter. You will have a lot of support from your Board including myself who will stay on as an adviser for 2008. So, step forward -- Don't be shy. Be the leader that you know you are! - You can do it! We can help.

Respectfully Submitted,

Charlie Novak

President TBPOA

Friday, June 1, 2007

June 2007 Newsletter

Hello my neighbors. I hope everything is going well with you. As you can see -- our entrance wall is progressing along very well. We are almost there!

This meeting was the last meeting until September-" Summer Break". We intend to be back in full force when we start back. Just to let you know your board of directors continue meeting through the summer months.

For those who were unable to attend our community/pot luck dinner meeting last Friday, you lost out on some very good food. You also missed out on hearing what the St. Johns County Sheriff's Department is doing for Treasure Beach. You may have noted the really noticeable presence of patrol cars and bikes on your street. Colonel Art May explained why there is so much presence and told us of a number of vehicle break-ins recently. Probably, the break-ins would not have occurred if you would have locked your vehicle.

Colonel May asked that you lock your vehicle. He also said that the radar gun is still working in this community so be aware of your speeds ( 25 MPH). He also said that his department can't do it alone. He wanted to ask once again- if you see any suspicious activity or any possible nuisance or traffic violation. Call the sheriff's office 824-8304 and report it. Colonel May said that no call is too little. His department takes all calls seriously. He finished his presentation by saying that your Neighborhood Watch Program impacts how safe your community can be.

All I can say is thank you to the special folks who volunteer for Neighborhood Watch duty. Keep in mind however that a few volunteers can't do it alone. We need you help. Call our Neighborhood Watch Chairman Doug Berndt ( 461-6943) and take a week of duty. It's not difficult. Do it for yourself -- do it for your family -- do it for your community.

A few weeks ago Treasure Beach Property Owners Association sponsored a community yard sale at no cost to anyone who chose to take advantage of the newspaper advertisements we ordered and the signs we had made. I am told that many of our neighbors had good exposure and matching sales as a result. Two of our neighbors were very thoughtful and kind to give back to the community. They each donated $10.00 from their proceeds collected to the TBPOA as a thank you for sponsoring this event. I guess what I am asking - is for you to consider this the next time we sponsor another yard sale.

It is not a requirement only a suggestion.

As an up-date our Canal Chairman -- Doug Martin reported that the Record had an article about Treasure Beach Canals in last Sunday's paper. A nice article it was !! Doug also reported that Mike Rubin St Johns County Construction Supervisor requested $ 35,000 to hire a marine engineering company to survey the canals and make cost study recommendations for the bulkheads currently in place as well as how and in what manner the canals should be dredged.

So, we are on track with the county as to what we recommended to the commissioners at our February 7, 2007 Workshop. Once the survey is completed the lots with bulkheads designated with poor/failing construction or no bulkhead at all will be referred to the St Johns County Code Enforcement department to follow up and issue citations for repair/replacement/etc.

Our canal committee has been working very hard to get things on track and keep it on track. I think they deserve a round of applause and your support.

At our community meeting two other things happened....First (on a positive note), the drawing for the raffle tickets sold to benefit our community funds took place and the luck winners of the drawing went to George Pascucci of Ventura Road $ 100.00 and to Katherine Wright ( ticket sold by Bill and Marion Libby ) of Hildago Road $ 75.00.

I would like to thank all those who participated and to the street captains who sold the tickets. The person who sold the most tickets was Dick Fanning of Ventura. Thanks again. I believe that we netted $ 446.00

Second ( and on a sour note) . When we have community meetings often times there are one or two persons who turn off the members by speaking in a very loud and aggressive manner about their negative feelings of what is going on in the community. Sometimes I believe that the folks I refer to are personally just plain angry about life!

If you know who you are and want to keep our other members from getting up-set with you -- why not try very hard to write your opinion down on paper and offer it as a possible solution without getting everyone in an up-roar. We all come together in a group ,as one, with a common cause to improve our community without throwing darts at one another. Some folks said they did not come to hear strong argumentative opinions. If they wanted to hear that they would have stayed home and argued with their spouse- just to keep in-shape. Your consideration would be appreciated.

I have a solution for those who get heartburn from either the "direction " or "lack of action" by a committee. If you as an individual have a problem with an issue on the walkway to the ocean or our neighborhood security or the canals or any other item where there is a committee- please send me an email requesting to attend the next committee meeting to express your views and offer a solution. You will be most welcomed and will be treated with respect and dignity. I guarantee it!!

Often times we refer to the archives of our mind and recall past occurrences when dealing with a problem - and that is normal and it is the right thing to do but it should not stop there. You should try to formulate a solution and share with those on the committee. Remember you can be part of the solution or part of the problem. Which will you choose?

As a neighbor and president of this community association, I have come to love and revere so many of you all. I do understand what you attempting to do but you must help us ,whenever you can, by offering a plan to fix. Let's not linger on the past history of Treasure Beach because it is history. Today is the beginning of the rest of our lives. Lets move on with solutions. Enough of my soap box speech. I love you all.!!

On a brighter note- we are beginning to attack the Treasure Beach Web Site with full force. Our Board of Directors have agreed to have Freddie Prange and Doug Berndt ( for back-up) instructed on maintenance of our web site. I will be contacting a local web site company shortly to accomplish this plan. The instructor may be coming to Freddie's house for an hour of instruction. The Board has authorized funds for the soft ware necessary to do this.

Now, the front entrance....All of you who reside here have noticed the progress made with the wall repairs. We are dealing with the electrical portion at present. Once completed- special decorative "Hospatitality Pineapples" will be secured to the four columns at both walls. While that is going on our front entrance beautification committee (Nancy Gaj and Jill Zeibell) will proceed with plants etc. During this period our own Steve Abbott will see what he can do with the duplication of the lettering for the south wall.

There is one problem -- the sprinkler system in the planter box that was graciously installed for us by Ms. Donna Wendler ( owner of the plaza) is apparently supplied by a shallow well with lots of salt/iron content. We will see what we can do to keep the water but let it spray on the walls but used as a trickle- irrigation system.

I want to acknowledge Doug Berndt and Steve Abbott for dealing with the wall reconstruction. It has not been an easy task dealing with the contractors who want to get paid but not work. Poor Doug must have been pulling his hair out!! Thank you so much for your help. And I know the community thanks you and is quite pleased from what I have been hearing.

You know -- we have some special people in our midst. I just wanted to acknowledge Bill and Marion Libby who do so much for our Treasure Beach Community but also deliver Meals on Wheels to our surrounding neighbors in other communities. Folks like those who can't get out to go to the store for various reasons. Bill and Marion do this everyday and never complain. Maybe this is your niche'.Give me a call( 471-1579)if you also want to help locally deliver meals to the elderly and infirmed who are home-bound. It is a real ministry in itself. The real deal is that God will pay you back ten-fold. What have you done for someone lately with no expectation of getting paid back??

On another note --

Look for a calendar of up-coming events thru years' end in this newsletter.

Finally- this one I have been dreading. It is an emotional item with me. I hope I can explain clearly -- why.

I call to all home owners who have not supported this community with your annual

dues donation of a meager $ 25.00 per year. Many of you have never paid your dues but continue to enjoy the benefits of this association. You know, out of the 400 plus lot owners a whopping 35 percent pay their dues. Hello to those in the 65 percent category..

Many of you who have paid for 2006 may have forgotten that this is a yearly thing. Dues are payable in January of each year. We have over 30 families who have not sent in their dues for 2007. I feel that this is not intentional but that things like "life" get in the way and we put the dues on the back burner. Well, now is the time to bring it to the front burner.

An observation by me:

Take a look at advertisements in the paper when a lot/home goes up for sale in Treasure Beach. The adds read something like this :

Canal Front Lot/Home bulk-headed and ideally located close to and with easy access to the intra-coastal, in a community with a deeded walkway to the beach. Great opportunity to live by the water, dock your boat and enjoy the beach.

Yes ,that is what we all decided to do by moving into Treasure Beach. It's a great place! You have it all for the water/beach worshiper and a nice place to dock your boat. Not to mention increase in property value in a canal lot community.

What the ads never mention:

What else is included? A Neighborhood watch that is very active. It has gotten the sheriffs department attention to recognize that we demand security and peace of mind.

It never mentions that we have volunteers who help bring this community together . We have various outings like bowling, golf , theatre outings, pot luck dinner meetings, Lunch Bunch get togethers at various local restaurants, guest speakers at our community meetings and community yard sales to mention only a few.. We also have a Board of Directors and Neighborhood Watch volunteers who work 52 weeks a year to keep this association running.

The entrance wall was demolished in an auto accident two months ago. Who do you think took care of the rebuilding process? If you did not have an association who would have located the driver of the crash vehicle and deal with the insurance company of the insured (who failed to step up to the plate and admitting guilt until we pressed the issue with the sheriff's office). Would the wall remain shattered as you read this? Or would you have taken charge and got the wall repaired for over $4,000 out of your pocket ? Do you care about neighborhood appearance?

Do you think the lights at the front entrance are kept lighted free of charge by FPL? How do you think the accumulated trash on the main streets of Treasure Beach get cleaned? Not by the county --I can assure you. Who goes to bat for you concerning the Treasure Beach canals with the Commissioners? Would you be willing/able to hire an attorney for your little piece of the canal property and deal with the commissioners?

Yes, all property owners have a deeded right to access to the beach - A huge value to your property now and even more with the years to come when vehicular driving will be banned. Who do you think takes care of the walkway? Have you used it lately ? Have you ever paid to repair a section of the walkway? Have you ever offered your time and talent to repair?

Are you prepared to seek possible legal counsel regarding a current situation with Seychelles property owners? Do you have the funds to do this?

All the above comes from your Treasure Beach Community Association and its many volunteers. Without your support both in money and time and talent this community would dry up and turn to zero value$$$$$$$. I don't think you want that to happen. Please send in your dues today then become an active member with just 2 hours a month --9 months a year - attend the monthly meetings. We need your support. Be our cheerleaders to help us carry on and protect what is yours. Help us help you keep up your property values.

Respectfully Submitted,

Charlie Novak

President TBPOA

Monday, May 7, 2007

May Updates

Our meeting of Friday May 5th was well attended once again. Barbara and Mike Warman supplied us with the tasty refreshments for the meeting. We thank you for your time and talent.

Our guest speaker was our Vice President Rose Larsen who introduced her working partner, Donna McRorie - Family Service Counselor of Kotrady-Hudgins- Croyle Funeral Home in St Augustine. The subject was "Choices/Options and planning your final burial/cremation". We were informed of the options that our Veterans are entitled regarding the final plans. Insurance and/or trusts were discussed to "lock-in" the current costs. Finally, the rule of thumb regarding cost of a burial or cremation- it doubles every ten years. There was a question and answer period that cleared up many misunderstood ideas. If you were unable to attend just call Rose Larsen at Kotrady-Hudgins-Croyle Funeral Home.

POTLUCK Dinner Meeting

Our next meeting (and last for the Summer) will take place at 6:00 P.M. at Beacher's Lodge on Friday June 1, 2007. It will be a potluck dinner meeting. Bring yourself and a friend for this event. The food is always great. Reminder signs will be posted at Desoto Road and the main entrance prior to this meeting. Bring a dish to share and enjoy the company.

Our Young Treasure Beach Residents

I really wanted to get something together for our children of Treasure Beach this summer.

For the past 2 or 3 newsletters I have asked for some parents to step up and volunteer for an activity day, paid for by TBPOA; however, I have to give up. I received "ZERO" calls offering to help.

At our meeting Friday May 5,2007 it was decided that there was no interest in this project.I must reluctantly cancel any plans for which I had hoped would develop for our children.

This is my last term so I cannot promise any plans for 2008.

Our Volunteer Picnic

Our annual picnic was held at Frank Butler Park West on Saturday April 28th. Approximately 45 volunteers attended as well as future volunteers. There were a few who could not attend due to illness or being out of town. We missed you all.

The weather did cooperate with us and all had a lovely time. Once again the food was great!!

I would like to thank Peggy Berrier -Chairperson and her 3 co-chairs

(Sheila Martin, Cherie Hall and Geisla Prange) for putting this affair together.

Our Community Yard Sale is coming up very soon.

Saturday May 19, 2007 ....

Look for additional information in this newsletter.

We have placed ads in the record and penny saver and placed signage on the streets to help you with your yard sale. There is no cost to you. Just sell your yard sale stuff. May you make a lot of money!!

Thank you Jim and Peggy Berrier for your help in getting this done for us all.

Canal Committee

A letter has been mailed to our Commissioner requesting the second in a series of Workshops to resolve the canal issues. We will keep you informed at the next community meeting.

Neighborhood Watch

Doug Berndt, Chairman of the Neighborhood Watch, is looking for volunteers to step up and take a week or two. Can you help? His phone number is 461-6943

Membership for 2007

Once again, a reminder- your Treasure Beach Association dues are DUE.. Your donation supports electric lighting, our front entrance beautification, repairs to common areas, signs and social functions for your enjoyment to name a few. They are only 7 cents /day- $25.oo per year. Please help us help you.

We are also trying to keep your beach walkway in shape as well as dealing with the canals and our county commissioners. I can tell you that we have approximately 425 properties in the neighborhood and so far we have the support of 125 members. Come on you folks in the 75 % group. Send that check today. You can spend $ 25 dollars at Chick- Filet in one visit.

Please don't forget us. We need your financial support.!!!!

Community Raffle

A Raffle for the benefit of our community association will take place on Friday

June 1,2007 at the Potluck Dinner Meeting. You need not be present to win however it would be very nice to see you there. If one of our members approach you for a donation

Please be considerate and help us out.

The Front Entrance

We have a committee to handle the bids and negotiations with the insurance company. The committee will recommend two plans and the Board will select one. The committee is in the process of getting repair bids and sign-renovation bids, electrical, letter bids and plant prices. We hope to get things back in shape soon. Please bear with us.

The Council on Aging

I hope that some of you called the Council on Aging to get some free repairs to your house. If you have questions I will be glad to help you with the paper work. Just give me a call at 471-1579

A request for help

We must get someone to volunteer to head up the nominating committee for our slate of officers for 2008 and present to our Board of Directors for the August Meeting. Please call me at 471-1579 to volunteer. I need a volunteer this month.

You only need to work this assignment from the comfort of your home.

Don't Forget- SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY in time, talent and treasure.

Thank you.

Charlie Novak


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May 2007 Newsletter

I hope you all had a nice Easter/ Passover this month of April. Spring is here. Let's hope we don't get a repeat of another sweltering hot summer and that our Hurricane season is without any major storms.

Our meeting of Friday April 6th was well attended considering it was Good Friday. Our Sheriff's deputy visited with us to keep us posted on what was taking place in Treasure Beach. He said that vandalism and traffic have improved greatly. We also enjoyed Mr. Paul Geiser a St. Augustine historian enlighten us regarding how much the Spanish influenced our area 500 to 600 years ago. We thank Paul for his wisdom and hope he will visit with us again soon.

Our next meeting will take place at 7:30 P.M. at Beacher's Lodge on Friday May 4,2007. Looks for the reminder signs posted at Desoto as well as the main entrance. Also, Barbara Warman has volunteered to bring the refreshments for this meeting. Come on and plan to attend and bring a friend and/or family member.

As a reminder: our last community meeting before summer will take place on June 1st. It will be a pot-luck dinner meeting. You all know that they are fun. Mark the date on your calendars.

Our Young Treasure Beach Residents

I am once again asking for a few volunteers to work with me to get something together for the children in our neighborhood - Just one outing for the summer to see how it is accepted. Your ideas are needed.

How 'bout it kids and parents?? Let me know if you are interested. Something for the juniors in our neighborhood. This is for the boys and girls. It's for the parents( as well as the grandparents) who lease or are buying a house here. You are all part of our community.

I will post a sign to remind you all of this event. Hopefully I will get additional interested parents and their children. My phone number is 471-1579 call and leave a message. I will be happy to get back with you.

Neighborhood Watch

Doug Berndt still is looking for volunteers to step up and take a week or two . Can you help? His phone number is 461-6943.

Doug is his effort toward giving our community a safe living environment. We hope you have noticed the increased presence of Sheriff's deputies both in cars and on bikes traveling on our streets.

Keep up the good work Doug.

Membership for 2007

Once again, a reminder- your Treasure Beach Association dues are ready to be accepted by our Treasurer or your Street Captain. Please help us out by clipping out the membership application in this newsletter, write a check and send in to the address shown. Your dues donation supports electric lighting, our front entrance beautification, repairs to common areas, signs and social functions for your enjoyment to name a few. We are also trying to keep your beach walkway in shape as well as dealing with your canals and the county commissioners. Please don't forget us. We need your financial support.!!!!

Also our Street Captains will be coming around to your house to visit very soon (if they have not already visited you) to ask for your participation in our money raffle as a fundraiser. Please cordially welcome them. They are working for your community. You could be a winner.

The Front Entrance

It is my hope that we can get a work party together to re-do the front entrance. I would like to build up 2 layers of 6x6 timbers to border the entrance walls. This should be done before we repair our lighting. I asked for an estimate and the contractor wants $ 3,000.

We can do it for the cost of the lumber from Home Depot using a volunteer work party. Please let me know if you would be interested in heading up this project in about a month from now or interested in showing up with your tools to assist. I estimate it would take several volunteers about 2 hours on a Saturday. My phone number is 471-1579.

The Books were Audited

Our Financial data was audited by Linda Preston last month( Thank You once again, Linda) .The audit passed with flying colors. Our auditor remarked that," the records are very well maintained. Peggy Berrier goes above and beyond to ensure that everything is recorded and documented accordingly".

Our TBPOA Treasurer, Peggy Berrier, is a real asset to this community. She is very active in our community even though Peggy has many other duties other than Treasure Beach .She also spends much time in Jacksonville as a caring grand parent. Not to mention her commute to her parents home in Indiana frequently. God Bless you dear.

The Council on Aging

I have asked our editor to see if a Council on Aging bulletin could be inserted in our newsletter. It offers, certain general house repair work Free of Charge by their volunteers but you must get in on the waiting list. It's a good thing!!!.

Last but not least I want to thank the committee chairman as well as our volunteers and our Board of Directors for the fine work they have been giving this community of their time and talent. We could not do it without you all.

I just wish more volunteers would step forward and offer an hour per month of their time.

It would make you feel good inside and you will make new friends. Once again my number is 471-1579.


Charlie Novak

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

From the President's Dock, February 2007

Our first Friday of the month Community Meeting was well attended- considering that I failed to send you all a reminder of our new meeting day. Look for the sign at the front entrance at Treasure Beach and A1A that advises you of this meeting in case I miss sending a reminder in the future.

Our next meeting will take place March 2nd at 6:00 P.M. at Beachers Lodge. Why 6:00 P.M.? Well, it's a Pot Luck Dinner meeting. Come and bring a dish to pass (Main course, vegetable or dessert). If you have questions about what to bring, contact Taunnie Novak at 471-1579. Come on and plan to attend and bring a friend and/or family.

Yes, we will have a guest speaker at our April Meeting. It will either be our St Johns County Sheriff Shoar or Paul Geiser St. Augustine Historian and a friend.

Our Young Treasure Beach Residents

Last month I invited the parents of those with children to get together with our Board of Directors this year to plan some fun projects for the youngsters here in Treasure Beach.

A suggestion would be a golfing tournament or a day of fishing at the end of Treasure Beach Road or a hobby class to make a project. Please let me know if you as parents/grandparents are interested in helping to get things off the ground. I have not heard a "peep" for you out there. Give me a call and I will get you help and work with you to get things underway.

Membership for 2007

Once again, a reminder- your Treasure Beach Association dues are ready to be accepted by our Treasurer or your Street Captain. Please help us out by clipping out the membership application in this newsletter, write a check and send in to the address shown. Your dues donation supports electric lighting, repairs to common areas, signs and social functions for your enjoyment to name a few. We are also trying to keep your beach walkway in shape as well as dealing with your canals and the county commissioners. Please don't forget us. We need your financial support.!!!! Our Street Captains will be coming around to your house to visit very soon (if they have not already visited you). Please cordially welcome them. They are working for your community.

Our New Shopping Center

I see where our new shopping center is having a Grand Opening. I am told that the owner wants to be a good neighbor and is willing to offer some assistance for our entranceway.

I will try to meet with him and talk. If there is anything that sounds promising I will address with our Board of Directors on the 19th of this month.

Treasure Beach Canals and Commissioner Workshop

Doug Martin and I met with our county commissioners on February 7th. All I will say at this point is that our Committee Chairman Doug Martin and myself are guardedly optimistic. I am sure that Doug will give you as much information as possible at our next community meeting. By the way we all have a real GEM in our Doug Martin. He presented our pleas in a concise and business like demeanor. You should be proud and thankful that he is Chairman of TBPOA Canal Issues. The County Commissioners and the County Attorney interjected remarks that they look forward to working with our committee in the future.

Walker has left us for his Professional Training

A few weeks ago our Guide Dog Puppy " Walker", whom many of you are very familiar, was returned to Palmetto Florida by his momma (Taunnie). Needless to say there were many tears shed. Walker will learn 40 other commands before being matched with a blind person. Hopefully Walker will give the blind person their freedom and independence necessary to live a near normal life.

The day after Taunnie gave up Walker, she received Guide Dog Pup Number # 5 to train for the next 18 to 20 months. You may see Taunnie and him walking down Treasure Beach Streets in the late afternoon. His name is " Seamus". It's an old Irish name and was selected by Taunnie in honor of our retired pastor of St Anastasia Catholic Church-

Father Seamus O'Flynn. His name is pronounced like -- SHAYMUS.

I just wanted to keep you all informed. I am very proud of my wife Taunnie for sacrificing her time and talent needed to raise a pup for the blind. She works at his assignment 24/7 for the benefit of a person who she never meets until the blind person and the dog are matched as a working pair. All her time and money spent is gratis. There is no compensation nor none expected. Kudos to You Taunnie!!


Charlie Novak

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

From the President's Dock December 2006

Well, a new year has arrived. I am looking forward to progress on the beach walkway and the up coming talks with the county commissioners regarding our canals. We will begin our new year with a change in the meeting time beginning February. We will meet on the first Friday of each month instead of Monday. The time will be the same (7:30 P.M.).

So we look forward to seeing you all on Friday February 2nd at Beachers Lodge. The change was brought about by request of many who want to participate but cannot due to work schedules.

Plans for the community meetings

How about several potluck meetings this year? Dinner would begin at 6:00 P.M. with a short meeting to follow.

Yes, we will arrange to have a few guest speakers throughout the year. Let us know if there is a subject you might want to cover and we will work to get a special guest speaker concerning that subject. Put your thinking caps on.

Our Young Treasure Beach Residents

I would like invite the parents of those with children to get together with our Board of Directors this year to plan some fun projects for the youngsters here in Treasure Beach.

A suggestion would be a golfing tournament or a day of fishing at the end of Treasure Beach Road or a hobby class to make a project. Please let me know if you as parents/grandparents are interested in helping to get things off the ground.

Membership for 2007

Just as a reminder- your Treasure Beach Association dues are ready to be accepted by our Treasurer. Please help us out by clipping out the membership application in this newsletter, write a check and send in to the address shown. Your dues donation supports electric lighting, repairs to common areas, signs and social functions for your enjoyment to name a few. We are also trying to keep your beach walkway in shape as well as dealing with your canals and the county commissioners. Please don't forget us. We need your financial support.!!!!

Vandalism in our community

To my knowledge, our sheriffs office has not helped us in the past 3 years with a single arrest of a vandal associated with destroying our mail boxes, destroying our entrance way, breaking into homes, etc. I am considering asking our chairman of the neighborhood watch to send an open letter to the Editor of the "Record" asking the Sheriff for his response to our on going problems. For those who are contemplating selling their property or the realtors who have listed homes in Treasure Beach all I can say is that the acts of vandalism are like a sore thumb easily noted at the front entrance-

Really not good for sales.

Our New Shopping Center

Our new shopping center may possibly create a problem with traffic at A1A and Treasure Beach Road. Take a close look at the entrance and exit of this shopping center. Any kind of heavy traffic going or coming into this lot may be the cause of traffic accidents. Just bringing it to your attention to consider possible solutions you may have to present at our coming community meetings.

I would also like the shopping center owner/management consider a security camera that picks up activity at the front entrance as well as the shopping center itself. I am told that already there have been break-ins and graffiti already on the walls. Who wouldn't guess that !! What a way to start.


Charlie Novak

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

From The President's Dock ...

We had a nice group of neighbors who helped decorate our front entrance- Bill & Marion Libby, Nancy Gaj, Rose Larson and Barbara & Mike Warman.

Your help is appreciated. I think that it looks very nice and helps to put everyone in a holiday mood.

I have helped with the Treasure Beach Front entrance decorations as well as Christmas decorations at church where I work. Now all I have to do is fi nd time to do our house.

Our Webmaster

Our Webmaster Rusty Yates of Gomez Road has performed well for our community. Rusty has been deluged with an enormous workload by his present full time job. All I can say is that you are very much appreciated and we Thank You . Please hang in there

-- We need your expertise.

Neighborhood Watch:

I am going to ask you as neighbors to step forward and volunteer for a week of Neighborhood Watch. Our chairman has done the past three weeks to keep our community covered. Where are you volunteers??? I just don't get it.

You want your community to be safe and secure and don't want to volunteer for a week. For you who care but have been putting it off; call Doug Berndt at 461-6943.

We are (Treasure Beach) in serious jeopardy of not having a neighborhood watch due to lack of participation.

Is that what you want?

Your response to this appeal or lack thereof will show.

You can't say that - I don't have a computer therefore I did not get a request asking to help this community. When you reached down and picked up your newsletter from your driveway-- You got the call for help.

TBPOA Christmas Party

Sales of our tickets were brisk and were sold out!!!!

Those who bought up the tickets treated themselves to a great bargain and a wonderful time. Details and pictures of this party will follow. Our Chairwoman Evelyn Delaney did a marvelous job of organizing things and selling the tickets. Thanks Evelyn!!

Our Young Treasure Beach Residents

Just last week I received a phone call request from one of our junior neighbors Devin Demello of Hildago Road.

Devin asked for Treasure Beach Association's sanction in performing a school project. I gladly agreed to offer our blessings and I anticipate a report back from Devin in the future. I will keep you informed of the out come of Devin's Project.

We are proud of our young adults here in Treasure Beach. I only wish the parents of the youngsters in our community might get together and form a group to offer extra curricular activities here in Treasure Beach for our young folks. Like bowling or golf or fishing outings. How about cooking or sewing lessons or craft construction? We of the Board of Directors believe that Treasure Beach is not just only adults but children and young adults.

Are you interested in getting something started? Just contact me or one of our officers as a fi rst step. You will have our support.

Membership for 2007

Just as a gentle reminder: your Treasure Beach Association dues are ready to be accepted by our Treasurer.

Please help us out by cutting out the membership application in this newsletter, write a check and send in to the address shown. Your dues donation supports electric lighting, repairs to common areas, signs and functions for your enjoyment to name a few. We are also trying to keep your beach walkway in shape as well as dealing with your canals and the county commissioners. Please don't forget us. We need your financial support.!!!!

In Closing

May you and your family and your extended family here in Treasure Beach be blessed with Health and Happiness in the weeks and months to come in 2007. I hope that next year will bring this community success and accomplishment with the Canals and our Boardwalk. If you would like to consider being a volunteer, let us know. You will only be asked to help for the number of hours you volunteered for.

We will not pressure you. Just give the time you can. A little bit of time offered by many will accomplish much.

I wrote a letter to Santa and on my wish list at the top was < "Please give us volunteers".

Again, on behalf of my wife Taunnie, Walker (our guide dog who will leave us anuary 25th) and myself- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Charlie Novak

Puppy Raiser of the Year in Jacksonville Florida

Taunnie Novak received the award of Puppy Raiser of the Year 2006 from Area Coordinator Thresa Shaver this week in a ceremony in Jacksonville.

Taunnie raises Guide Dog Puppies for Southeastern Guide Dogs -- Palmetto Florida.

Taunnie is currently raising "Walker" (a golden and Labrador mix). Walker is nearly ready to be returned to the School in Palmetto for his professional training.

This is Taunnie's fourth guide dog puppy she has raised. " It's always difficult to return your assigned puppy to the school but without puppy raisers like us there would be no guide dogs for the seeing impaired."

Taunnie and her husband Charlie reside here in Treasure Beach.