Friday, December 31, 2010


A burn ban has been enacted in St. Johns County, effective December 29, 2010. The burn ban pertains to residential outdoor burning such as leaves, yard debris, fireworks of any kind (including sparklers), campfires, flares or other outdoor burning devices.




An Emergency Order was signed by the County Commissioners on December 29th it is a Burn Ban for the next 7 days.

The ban prohibits the use of:

  • fireworks including sparklers
  • trick noise makers
  • flares and the use of outdoor burning devices
  • camp fires or outdoor cooking fires except those campfires located within a metal fire ring located within a state park or licensed campground or cooking fires located with in a barbecue grill, hibachi or other similar device specifically intended for cooking
  • any other open outdoor burning such as lawn, debris or trash burning

Deputies will be using discretion when dealing with these matters but any one found guilty of violating this order could be charged with a 2nd degree misdemeanor.

The St Johns County Sheriff’s Office is wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year.

Corporal Diana Bryant
St Johns County Sheriff's Office
Crime Prevention
Office: (904) 810-6694


A burn ban has been enacted in St. Johns County, effective December 29, 2010. The burn ban pertains to residential outdoor burning such as leaves, yard debris, fireworks of any kind (including sparklers), campfires, flares or other outdoor burning devices.




An Emergency Order was signed by the County Commissioners on December 29th it is a Burn Ban for the next 7 days.

The ban prohibits the use of:

  • fireworks including sparklers
  • trick noise makers
  • flares and the use of outdoor burning devices
  • camp fires or outdoor cooking fires except those campfires located within a metal fire ring located within a state park or licensed campground or cooking fires located with in a barbecue grill, hibachi or other similar device specifically intended for cooking
  • any other open outdoor burning such as lawn, debris or trash burning

Deputies will be using discretion when dealing with these matters but any one found guilty of violating this order could be charged with a 2nd degree misdemeanor.

The St Johns County Sheriff’s Office is wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year.

Corporal Diana Bryant
St Johns County Sheriff's Office
Crime Prevention
Office: (904) 810-6694

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

One day a week watering starts Nov. 7

Read Article on the St. Johns River Water Management Blog

Originally posted Wednesday, November 3, 2010

With the upcoming change on Sunday to Eastern Standard Time comes a change in the days allowed for lawn and landscape irrigation. Between Sunday (Nov. 7) and March 13, 2011, irrigation throughout the region within the St. Johns River Water Management District is limited to no more than one day a week.

Irrigation has been allowed no more than two days a week since 2006. The move to one day a week is part of increased efforts to conserve our water resources and coincides with the reduced need for irrigation during the cooler months that are typically associated with Eastern Standard Time.

Beginning Nov. 7, if your address ends in an odd number, you can water on Saturdays, and if your address ends in an even number, you can water on Sundays. Nonresidential irrigation can occur on Tuesdays. Watering can only occur before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m. Some exceptions apply to the rules, and all of the details are on our watering restrictions web page.

Being able to water on a certain day doesn’t mean you have to water. Being aware of rainfall and the reduced water needs of your lawn in the coming months can sometimes eliminate the need for watering much or at all.

So, why are weekend days designated for watering when that’s when many people want to work in their yards? Not everyone has an automatic in-ground irrigation system, and those who use hoses with sprinklers need some weekend time for irrigation. If you want to work in your yard on Saturday morning and your yard is showing signs of needing water and your watering day is Saturday, you may want to water Saturday evening after you complete your yard work.

Why do we limit irrigation? It’s estimated that about half of residential water use goes toward irrigation, and, in many cases, it’s used inefficiently. Freshwater is a finite resource in Florida, and increased conservation will delay the need to implement some expensive alternative water supplies in the future.

Want to learn more? Read the FAQ

Treasure Beach 2010 Christmas Party

Saturday, December 11, 2010 – 6:00 pm
Beacher's Lodge Community Room
Space Limited - For planning purposes, please confirm attendance to Gisela, our party planner, at 471-9496, before Monday, December 6.

Treasure Beach will provide main course of Beef Burgundy, along with Coffee and Soda. You can BYOB. Dishware and utensils will also be provided. Attendees are asked to bring a dish/dessert to compliment the Beef Burgundy. Sign-up list will be provided at November's meeting. Volunteers are still needed to help. If you miss the meeting and want to bring a dish or can help, please call Gisela.

A gift exchange will also be held. Each individual who would like to participate in the gift exchange needs to bring a small gift (look for something at home that you might not need anymore but is still usable, or if bought, no more than $10). The fun of the gift exchange is the surprise! It will be great fun for everyone, owners and renters!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

St. Anastacia Garage Sale

St. Anastasia is having a garage sale this Sat (Nov 6) 8am to 12:30.  Donation drop off is Wed to Fri, 9:30m to 5pm. For large items pick-up ,please call 471-5364.  

St. Anastacia Garage Sale

St. Anastasia is having a garage sale this Sat (Nov 6) 8am to 12:30.  Donation drop off is Wed to Fri, 9:30m to 5pm. For large items pick-up ,please call 471-5364.  

Friday, October 8, 2010

Lost and Found Notification

On one of my walks in the neighborhood around mid-September, I found something that might be claimed if 1) you can identify what it was that you lost, and 2) provide me with enough information to convince me that it belongs to you! Otherwise, what I found belongs to me and I will then decide on what to do with it!!! If you need to reach me, please check the Publication Policy in this paper for more information.

Monday, October 4, 2010

October Article - FCCJ

During August we heard the sad news that 9 year old Krakatoa (Komodo dragon) had passed away at the Alligator Farm. Since it is estimated that komodo dragons could live an average of 25 years in captivity, this death came as a shock. We actually saw Krakatoa at the end of June when our family was visiting. As with every tragic event, it makes me think more about my own mortality. Each day that God gives us here on earth is a gift. Life is a journey that holds no promises of immortality. We can only hope to be blessed with a long and healthy journey. Special thoughts and prayers go out to all our neighbors who may be suffering in one way or another. Treasure Beach is a special place and I sincerely believe that we do care about each other. Sometimes you just need to ask for help, and sometimes we just need to pay more attention to what's going on.

August was the first month we received a publication called "TIDBITS of St John's County" in our mail box. Although it reads Issue 30 on the front page, I don't ever recall seeing it before. In that very interesting paper I read an article entitled, "Garden Bits" by Linda Stewart Hertz. What caught my eye was the phrase that I so often use in describing the place where I came from "Upstate New York" which made me wonder if Linda grew up anywhere close to where I grew up. I know that New York is a pretty big state but you never know, it could be a small world. I'll have to make a special visit to Ace Hardware just to ask. There are also other interesting articles (Capt. Tommy Tails, Master Strokes, Home Bits, Spotlight on Business, Health Bits, trivia questions and ads with savings opportunities). With everything going more and more electronic, the actual written word on paper will most likely become a thing of the past. One of the things I most enjoy each and every day is the quiet time I spend reading the daily newspaper while drinking a cup of French Vanilla cappuccino.

I meant to bring up the subject of "banana spiders" earlier in August since I first saw a number of them hanging high on the electrical lines along Costanero where I normally take my daily walk. If you've ever accidentally walked into one of their webs, you'll know they can weave some very intricate and strong webs. You might recall that ~ a year or so ago I reported doing research on them (they might look frightening but are really beneficial in keeping other annoying insects under control). The research that I did also indicated that they might be good predictors of whether hurricanes might actually be heading our way. During hurricane season, look for tell tale signs such as banana spiders no longer hanging high up on the electrical lines after being prominently displayed for most of the summer months?

The primaries were over Tuesday, 8/24. At this writing I don't know the total turnout of St. Johns voters (although it was predicted to be low) or the winners/losers. Our next civic responsibility happens during early voting the last two weeks of October or on Tuesday, November 2 (General Election). I understand there will be a number of amendments on the ballot so during these couple of months it will be important for all of us (in order to make an informed decision) to study up on the pros and cons of each amendment. Too often, these contests are won or lost on emotional issues rather than ones based on facts. Please do your homework before you go to the polls! Your vote does count and all candidates running for office appreciate the votes you cast! Penny Halyburton, Supervisor of Elections for St. Johns County maintains a very efficient organization. Her staff, a team of volunteers help to make the voting process easy for every eligible voter to VOTE!

Received the following poem "To Realize" in an email this month. There wasn't an author attached, and when I checked the internet, I could not identify an author, so I believe it belongs to all of us. Enjoy,

To realize
The value of a sister/brother
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one.

To realize
The value of ten years:
Ask a newly
Divorced couple.

To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.

To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who
Has failed a final exam.

To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.

To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
Who has given birth to a premature baby..

To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize
The value of one-second:
Ask a person
Who has survived an accident.

Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have.

You will treasure it even more when
You can share it with someone special.

To realize the value of a friend or family member:


Hold on tight to the ones you love!

~ Author Unknown ~

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Historic City Memories: Signs of times gone by

Interesting story today by Geoff Dobson on's website...

Historic City Memories: Signs of times gone by

It's a great story, full of interesting tidbits & shows an old picture of the A1 Aleworks building when it was the Plaza Hotel. Check it out, it's pretty cool.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

This month (mid-August), I decided to go for a drive around Treasure Beach to check out the neighborhood. I haven't really visited all 17 streets (Ajo, Barco, Basque, Costanero, Desoto, Gomez, Hildago, Majorca, Ole, Pizarro, Puebla, Rio Royale, Rojo, Salado, Treasure Beach, Ventura and Villa Verda) in our neighborhood since before 2003 when we were actually looking to buy property here. It always seems to amaze me that our little community of some 492 properties is in a constant state of change. In my travels, I saw that two lots had been cleared on Rio Royale (maybe a new home is coming?), a new home being built on Puebla, neighbors actually outside in the 90+ temperatures talking to each other, a total of ~37 For Sale and ~8 For Rent signs. Unfortunately I also witnessed emergency vehicles responding to a call on Pizarro, and thought to myself (since the only one with me was my faithful four-legged friend) that whatever the emergency, the hope is that it wasn't too serious. Let me congratulate Larry on a great and informative article this month on our community. I know that those who have already read it will agree, and if you haven't read it yet, it's a must read!

Special thanks go out to all of our neighbors who exercised their civic responsibility by voting in the primary during early voting, on August 24, and/or by serving as pollworkers. Next comes the general election on the first Tuesday in November.

Neighborhood news is always welcome! Please contact me at or 904-461-3397 if you have something to share.

Did you Know there is a Patriot Day!:

In the United States, Patriot Day occurs on September 11 of each year, designated in memory of the 2,993 killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks. Most Americans refer to the day as "Nine-Eleven (9/11)," "September Eleventh," or some variation thereof.
U.S. House of Representatives Joint Resolution 71 was approved by a vote of 407-0 on October 25, 2001. It requested that the President designate September 11 of each year as "Patriot Day." President George W. Bush signed the resolution into law on December 18, 2001 (as Public Law 107-89). It is a discretionary day of remembrance.

Initially, the day was called the Prayer and Remembrance for the Victims of the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001.

On September 4, 2002, President Bush used his authority created by the resolution and proclaimed September 11, 2002 as Patriot Day.

On this day, the President directs that the American flag be flown at half-staff at individual American homes, at the White House, and on all U.S. government buildings and establishments, home and abroad. The President also asks Americans to observe a moment of silence beginning at 8:46 A.M. (Eastern Daylight Time), the time of the first plane crash on September 11, 2001.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 2010 Newsletter



Is it just me or did it seem like July lasted forever!!!!!!!!!!! We were out of town for one week in July….back to Cincinnati, Ohio for a visit with relatives and friends. Hmmmmm….now that I think about it…..that visit seemed like it lasted much longer than a week! I thought St. Augustine was hot and humid….Cincinnati was almost as bad! But….I still like St. Augustine winters much better.

Well, it's official. I am retired….a lady of leisure! Ha! What a joke! I can sum it up in a statement made by a friend of mine who recently retired: "I've never been busier and accomplished nothing at the end of the day." I keep telling myself that as soon as I get a "schedule" I'll be okay.


September 14, 2010 – TIME CHANGE: 6:30 PM – BEACHER'S LODGE

This is a "pot luck" dinner, my favorite kind. (I thought the time was 6:00, but according to the signs Charlie Novak had made for us…it's at 6:30).

This is always a good time to see people you haven't seen in awhile and to meet new owners and renters.

Bring a dish to share. Drinks will be provided. In the past, people have brought their own plates and utensils. We will have extras there in the event that you forget yours.


John Birney, a financial planner, will be speaking at our meeting about retirement income ideas. In this time of lower interest rates on CDs, etc. you will find his information very interesting. John has been investing for 25 years.

Ron and I had an opportunity to meet with John and were very impressed with his knowledge. This is just an "informational meeting" and there won't be any sales pitch!

OCTOBER 12, 2010 – 7:30 PM – BEACHER'S LODGE

There will not be a guest speaker at this meeting as we will focus on nominating new board members. No experience or resume required! If you really want to know what TBPOA is all about, being on the board is the way to learn.

Please think about your friends and neighbors in Treasure Beach and talk to them about being involved and nominated for a board position. It's good to have new ideas on the team.

Don't nominate a name without talking to the person first. Some people don't like surprises!


It's not always easy to find interesting things to mention in our newsletter. I don't know a lot of what is going on in the neighborhood. The St. Johns County Sheriff keeps me up to date on the police issues. However, that's usually bad news.

I need some GOOD NEWS ( You can also call me at 461-4356.

Examples: Who just entered the service or just got out, graduations, new babies or grandchildren, awards given, recoveries from illnesses, exciting trips, etc.

Larry Panchuk wrote a great article about the positive changes in Treasure Beach over the past few years. He also mentioned that by talking to your neighbors you learn who in T.B. owns a business that you may need their particular service.

If you do own a business and live in Treasure Beach, please let us know. We will put your name and business information on our web site. Please e-mail Doug Berndt at


I've owned two myself! But, I have noticed people walking their dogs along Costanero

without "doggie bags" to clean up the "poop". Are they using their hands?

Certainly they are not just leaving the mess there for people to step in?

Stick some Publix, Winn Dixie or Walmart plastic bags in your pocket and do the right thing!

DON'T FORGET – Reserve Dec. 11th 2010

That's the date of the TBPOA Christmas Party at Beacher's Lodge. More details as they develop!


By popular demand we have been asked to move clean up day to October instead of September due to the hot weather.

Please contact me BY OCTOBER 1st if you are interested in being the contact person for your street. Hey, don't we have some street captains out there still????


Remember: On the highways of life…..stay in your own lane.

Thanks for your continuing support!

Paula Murphy


Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 2010 Newsletter


AUGUST, 2010

Well, July 4th, 2010 came and went! I hope everyone enjoyed the Holiday and that no one was injured by a rouge firecracker. I heard from our children that the fireworks display downtown was great… usual. My husband and I chose to stay home this year…..uh oh……I think that's a sign we're getting old!
Even though Memorial Day and July 4th are over for another year, our soldiers continue to defend our country 24/7. Don't stop thanking a soldier anytime you see one. Whether you believe in the war or not, our soldiers are putting their lives on hold and some of them dying to defend this country. Ron and I have a niece in Kuwait, so this is personal for us.

Steve Bitar, from Citizens Property Insurance Corp. spoke at our June meeting and was very informative. I would imagine most of the mobile homes in Treasure Beach are insured by Citizens. There are loss settlement changes that apply to mobile homes that are 1994 and older. If your home falls into that age group, you should contact your Citizen's agent and ask about the new loss settlement changes. Steve also mentioned that there are improvements that you can make to your mobile home to make you feel more secure. Your Citizen's agent can give you more information on this matter.



September 14, 2010 – Beacher's Lodge - THIS MEETING IS A POT LUCK MEETING STARTING AT 6:00.Please bring a covered dish to share. (It's like a party so we can see residents we haven't seen over the summer!) Everyone is invited, owners and renters. It's a great way to get acquainted. Plus the food is great!

Guest speaker: John Birney, Financial Planner, will be speaking at our meeting about retirement income ideas. John has been a financial planner for 25 years. His St. Augustine office is at Herbie Wiles Ins. Agency. He also has an office in Palm Coast. Mr. Birney was recommended to me by two different clients. This is just an "informational" meeting. There will be no sales pitch!

October 12, 2010 – 7:30- Beacher's Lodge . This meeting will focus on nominations for new board members for the 2011 year. Please come to this meeting with at least one name that you would like to recommend for positions on the board. All positions are available. Please give serious thought to serving as a board member. We have an excellent board now…..but frankly….some members are tired! NOT THAT IT'S A HARD JOB! I don't want to scare you! It's just that the current members have been volunteering for sometime now. I plan on throwing my hat into the mix again this year.


How is that for being on top of things! (Does that make up for all the things I miss?)

We had a great time last year, thanks to Gisela and her many, many volunteers!

I'll give you more details as the date gets closer.


We are going to have a "clean up day" on Saturday, September 25th. I would like this to be a real community affair. We will be looking for one adult on each street to get a group of kids on their street to help clean up. The time will be from 9:00 to 10:30 (AM). Trash bags and gloves will be provided. We will meet at 8:45 AM at Treasure Beach Blvd. and Costanero to hand out the supplies (where the kids catch the buses).

There will be snacks and drinks provided at 10:30 to 10:45 a.m. at the corner of Treasure Beach Blvd and Costanero, plus an additional surprise! This is a great way to teach our children about community involvement and pride in your community.

Please e-mail me at or call me at 461-4356 to register your child. The parent does not have to participate. There will be an adult with each group of children.


Karen Miles continues to stay on top of the issues with the OFW…….There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes. As I learn more information, I will pass onto everyone.


Well, I'm running out of time to get this article to the Record so I have to stop! If you really want to know what goes on in our community…please come to the next meeting on September 14th…..bring a covered dish or just come to the meeting at 7:30.

Thanks for your continuing support!!!

Paula Murphy


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Napoli's Yappy Hours Benefit to support SAFE (Saving Animals from Euthanasia)

Napoli's Restaurant, 6149 A1A South, and Mardi Gras Bar, 123 San Marco Ave, will again host Yappy Hours benefit this month and on subsequent first Thursdays of every month.

The next one is from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday. Come to one of the participating bars and restaurants to enjoy some fun and a convivial atmosphere while supporting SAFE (Saving Animals from Euthanasia) at the same time. Donate $10 to SAFE at the door and receive a ticket for a free drink as designated by the bar and restaurant. All proceeds go to SAFE.

SAFE, based in St. Augustine, is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that rescues homeless cats and dogs from area animal shelters before they are euthanized. The organization does not have a shelter and instead chooses to foster pets in volunteers' homes until they can find the perfect home. SAFE is donation-funded by individuals and sponsors. It conducts adoption events every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Pet Supermarket on U.S. 1 or at the SAFE headquarters at Treasure Beach Plaza in South St. Augustine Beach. During the cooler months, SAFE can often be seen at the First United Methodist Church's parking lot on King Street. SAFE also sponsors low cost spay and neuter efforts.

For information on SAFE, call 460-0556 or go to the website at

Spay-ghetti dinner

Another upcoming event is a Spay-ghetti lunch/dinner Aug. 26, with all proceeds going to provide free spay/neutering for area pets.

The event is being sponsored by SAFE, the St. Augustine Humane Society, Wags and Whiskers, the First United Methodist Church and Napoli Pizza Pasta and Panini.

Serving will be from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 118 King St. Donation is $8 per person. The menu includes spaghetti with meat or marianara sauce, fresh bread, beverage and homemade dessert. The sauce and fresh bread is being provided by Napoli Pizza Pasta and Panini.

There will be free delivery for orders of five meals or more. Orders are requested in advance by Aug. 24. Call 460-0556.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 2010 Newsletter


JULY, 2010

I don't think I will ever get used to writing a newsletter a month before people are actually going to read it! I don't plan that far ahead. Fortunately, Sharon McIlhenney has me on a schedule, which does help. I'm still late…..but I'd forget completely if it wasn't for her! Thanks, Sharon!!


On July 4th we celebrate the day we won our independence from England.

On Memorial Day we remember our loved ones and the men and women who fought and died so that we CAN celebrate July 4th.

When you can vote for the political leader of your choice: THANK A SOLDIER

When you can writer a letter to a government official and express your dissatification: THANK A SOLDIER

When you can go to the place of worship of your choice: THANK A SOLDIER

When you can fly the flag of your choice on July 4th: THANK A SOLDIER

When you can live where you choose to live in peach and happiness: THANK A SOLDIER.


SUBJECT: The Outstanding Florida Waterway (OFW) Re-classification request.

GUEST SPEAKERS: Karen Miles, Owner, Devil's Elbow

St. Johns County Commissioner: Ron Sanchez

OVERVIEW: The OFW wants to restrict the use of the Matanzas River from just south of the 312 Bridge to marker 109 in the Palm Coast area.


  1. Reduced property values due to severe restrictions for boat owners.

  2. Decreased fishing rights

  3. Force areas currently on septic systems to change to the city sewage system at a great expense to the homeowner.

  4. Put even harsher restrictions on future dredging of canals which would eventually cause our canals to become un-navigable.

CURRENT STATUS: Karen Miles and Carl Blow of the St. Augustine Port Authority met with four of the St Johns Cty Commissioners to review all the details of the OFW's request. They pointed out to the commissioners that the information presented by the OFW originally was outdated and misleading, at best.

It is my understanding that the prior Board of Commissioners approved the OFW request for re-classification. However, the presentation they approved was amended before it was submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection.

St. John's County Water Management has sent two of their employees to the County Commissioners to discuss the re-classification. It is also my understanding that the St. John's County Water Management is in favor of this re-classification.


Please send an e-mail to the following people. All you have to say is:

"Please reverse your decision regarding the re-classification request from the OFW until the proper reports, required by law, are presented to you for review". You can "copy and paste".

Cyndi Stevenson:, Ron Sanchez:, Ray Quinn:, Phillip Mays: and Ken Bryan:

Also…send an e-mail to: Janet Klemm at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection:

"Please do not approve the re-classification request by the OFW regarding St. Johns County, Florida waterways until all of the legally required, updated information is presented to you in the proper manner".

You can also send an e-mail to the DEP liaison, Kay Buchanan. Her e-mail is

If you have problems with the e-mail addresses (which many of us have had), you can call 1-850-245-2293 and ask for Kay Buchanan.

We cannot afford to sit back and hope that "everyone else will do something". If we do……we may wake up some morning and realize we no longer have the right to use our boats and fish in the inter-coastal waterway!


I also want to take this opportunity to thank the other board members that work hard for the TBPOA.

Doug Berndt – 2nd Vice President – Doug is our "web-master". He sends e-mails to remind everyone of our community meetings and other important information. He also set up the pay-pay account. Please let Doug know if you have any suggestions or comments about the web-site.

Doug also works closely with our web designer, Karen Carter (also a TB resident), in providing an easy to use web-site.

Richard Grubb: Recording Secretary – Rich records our minutes at board and community meetings. When I need to know "what did I say in November, 2009" I can call Rich! He's great at our board meetings…..when I have a suggestion or a comment, I always look at Rich to see if he's shaking his head "yes" or "no".

Rose Larsen – 1st Vice President – Rose does a great job of keeping me informed about what's happening in TB. She's also very good about helping and keeping in touch with residents that have become ill. I always call on Rose when I need help and she's always there for me!

Barbara Warman – Treasurer – Last, but most important! Barbara keeps track of the TBPOA funds. She has her master's degree in accounting so I know TBPOA is in good hands. (Plus, she's smart too…..she only gives me 4 checks at a time!)


We also have a great group of volunteers that do everything from arranging our residents on a spread sheet so we can do mailings; getting those mailings out; providing snacks at the community meetings; cutting the grass in the front; planting flowers; having signs made and setting them out; planning picnics; repairing and maintaining our walkway to the beach; putting up benches at Fells Park; writing articles in the First Coast Journal, etc. I could go on and on…..but needless to say, TBPOA could not function without our volunteers. I would mention specific names but if I forgot one person I would feel awful!

The board is planning a volunteer appreciation lunch or dinner………details to follow!


Jody Newell! (I hope I have the last name correct). Jody took it upon himself to repair the fence at the entrance to our walkway to the beach. Unfortunately, vandals kicked the fence over about 6 weeks ago. Jody repaired the fence at his own expense and on his own time.

We also appreciate the nice letter of appreciation that Donna Miani, President of Seychelles Property Owner's Assn, put on the fence entrance thanking the person that made the repairs.

A little kindness always goes a long way.


As many of you know, our family suffered a great tragedy on 5/14/09 when our 9 month old grandson passed away.

In memory of our grandson, the Murphy, Rusk and Randel families and friends, along with much help from Evergreen Cemetery, raised enough money to have a monument erected for the Garden of Angels. Part of the monument is in place and the angel should be here very soon.

There will be an announcement in the St. Augustine Record advising the date for the monument dedication. Any person whose child's final resting place is in the Garden of Angels is invited to attend this dedication.


TBPOA wants to express their sincere appreciation to the Sheriff's Department for their hard work in stopping crime in Treasure Beach. I'm sure we all want Treasure Beach to be a safe place to live.


I am looking for someone who could make slip covers for my outdoor furniture cushions. If you love to sew and would be interested, please call me at 461-4356.


However, you will still get a newsletter!

Watch for future meeting dates, TB clean up date and volunteer appreciate date!


Paula L. Murphy, President


Friday, June 18, 2010

Animal Sanctuary Needs Help

I just called Goliath & BeBe's World about a dog I'm trying to find a home for. As it turns out, they're in bad shape over there and need donations. I had thought that the little thrift store over by Home Depot had been accepting donations for their benefit, but apparently it's not anymore. They really need some help & have over 300 animals to care for.

I went straight to their site & donated and if you can spare some I hope you do too. They're so many around that claim to do good work but I've actually seen for myself some of the pets that Goliath & BeBe's World have helped. They're really good people.

Here's their website..

Every little bit counts.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

car break ins

This is not the first, second or third time I have seen an email from a disgruntled resident. Over and over again I hear about. Talk to any parent though and they will tell you that their child is an angel, but the kids surely belong to someone. If anything happens to your property (no matter how small) residents also need to call the sheriff's department and let them know what has happened.  They usually have a pretty good handle on the kids in the area and the vandelism thats done to vehicles also. They can't "fix it" if they don't know about it. In the meantime maybe people here might watch out for their neighbor's ASSetts. Who knows--maybe one day--just one day those same kids might have something of their's stolen. What goes around-comes around.
P.S.   For what it's worth--St. Augustine Shores, St. Augustine South, Sea Grove, Ocean Grove, etc. all have the same problems. Vandelism, cars broken into, etc. knows no boundaries.
I live on Treasure Beach Rd.  we moved here from Arlington in Jacksonville to be in a safe community 2 yrs ago, when we lived in Jaxs. not once did our cars or home get broken into. in the 2 yrs we've lived here it has happened 3 times, twice our cars and once our sheds.
I want the parents of the kids breaking into the cars to beware, today I talked to the police and they informed me I could protect my property as I see fit. Today I went and bought 4 shot guns, bullets and birdshot, I figure I'll use the birdshot because its scatters and you don't have to have to have perfect aim, the Mommy's will be digging it out of thier kids for awhile. I don't want to have to live this way, but parents need to step up and be parents, not buddies. please forward this, and if your neighbor doesn't have e-mail, please let them know about me on Treasure Beach rd. I'm the one who is feed-up with their kids.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Replacement Windows

Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with that expensive double-pane energy
efficient kind, and today, I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was
complaining that the work had been completed a whole year ago and I still hadn't paid for them.
Hellloooo,..............Just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid.
                              So, I told him just what his fast talking sales guy had told me last year,
                             that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves! 
Helllooooo?????It's been a year! I told him. There was only silence at the other end of the line,
                            so I finally just hung up. He never called back. I bet he felt like an idiot.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Atlantic Hurricane Season 2009 (Fast Forward Movie from Space)

NASA and NOAA Make a Fast-Forward Movie of Hurricane Season 2009

Picture yourself sitting in space watching 2009's Atlantic Ocean hurricane season in fast-forward. That's what the latest animation from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows viewers. The movie is being made available on-line as both agencies prepare for the 2010 Atlantic Ocean hurricane season, which begins on June 1 and runs through November 30.

Read on & Watch the video

June 2010 Newsletter


JUNE, 2010

Hello from St. Maarten! No, wait! I'm not on my cruise anymore! I'm having such a difficult time adjusting to being back home….no one makes our bed and cleans our room while we're having breakfast. (Not to mention the cute little towel animals on our bed every night!) No one has entertainment planned for us throughout the day. No one seems to care anymore…….

I picked up brochures on how to make those towel animals and fold fancy napkins. My challenge will be to make the towel animals that won't resemble road kill and to see if you can fold papers napkins so they look fancy.

However, there are positive things to NOT being on a cruise:

We don't have to pray incessantly while we're in our car at home like we had

to do while taking a taxi racing around the narrow, hilly, roads on St. Thomas.

My husband and I can pass each other going in and out of our bathroom at home instead of having to wait for the other person to get completely out of the bathroom before you can go in. (On a positive note: you can sit on the potty, dry your hair, brush your teeth and put your make up on without having to get up!)

You're not tempted to over eat because people aren't putting food and dessert in front of you every night.

I'm not bombarded with jewelry and T-shirt shops everywhere I go. My husband did buy 3 T-shirts (supposedly in his size) for only $10.00. However, after I washed them they now fit our 5 year old grandson! Hmmmm! Who would have guessed?

The majority of our TV programs at home are in English.

You're probably thinking I won't go on another cruise….WRONG! I'd leave again tomorrow if I could. This was our 5th cruise. It is the best vacation value for your money and you can be as active or inactive as your want to be. I highly recommend cruising!

If you have a disability…don't worry. The cruise lines are very accommodating to everyone's needs.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Dear Neighbors

Wow! This just in from Charlie Novak, one of our neighbors on Pizarro. Picture was taken by Larry Panchuk on Saturday, March 27th. A Sea Otter who had caught a pretty good size catfish and was eating it on Charlie's floating dock. The fish was gone the next day, all except the head which Charlie said was about the size of his fist.

You may remember a couple of years ago, we also had some manatees visit our canals. I feel so lucky to be able to live in Treasure Beach.

Welcome Spring! Is anyone still complaining about the weather? Our Vermont visitors left on March 31st to return home. I hope they will return next year. The early mornings at the beginning of April were so pleasant for walking (without a jacket!) and working out in the yard. It's a good time to be planting a garden if you haven't done it already. About a week ago (March 26th) I planted a cherry tomato plant in a patio planter. It is growing nicely so far and in about 60 days (if all goes well) I look forward to harvesting my crop. In our backyard, the weeds were the first thing to green up. Especially the dandelions. Did you know that if you harvest the plants early enough (while they are still small and before the flowers have fully bloomed) you can cook up some wonderful greens for dinner? Not sure how she did this, but my Mom had a lot of success cooking the greens just the way I like them. If you're a little bit curious, just google "dandelion greens" and there are lots of resources to help you make sure you know what you're doing before you try it. Did you also know that dollar weeds are edible? I recommend you do more research before delving into the possibilities. Here is a good resource for more info on dollar weeds and a couple of recipes too!

If you want to know more about landscaping, gardening, flowers, weeds, etc. visit

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Treasure Beach and Anastacia island threatened !


Treasure Beach basin threats !
On my desk this month is a copy for a new classification for the waterway in this area. Most of us might not know about it, but the environmental protection agency is looking at us. YEAH, wake up!  There is a proposal to designate portions of the Matanzas River basin as OUTSTANDING FLORIDA WATERS. Ok, in short, this would mean, NO BOATS, NO DREDGING ...ever! and lots of restrictions. The proposal would also see us all on sewer, making the present septic tanks used on the island illegal. The meetings already in progress threaten our way of life. The list of restrictions goes on to include that every home on Anastasia Island would have to be on city sewer. Plus restrictions to beach access and that's just the top of the iceberg. For more information about this new deal, you can contact Janet Klemm in Tallahassee at (850) 245 8427.
The first meeting for this workshop is open to the public in Palm Coast. Nice uh ? So, someone in Tallahassee and a workshop in Palm Coast ?? to restrict waterways near and around Treasure Beach ??? Yes! and by people that do not live in the area. The proposal would in many ways affect everyone on the island, and our economy. More about this next month as the information comes in.  I'm still in shock over this proposal myself.
Treasure Beach suffered a hard blow this past month with the loss of a young fellow.
Our thoughts and hearts go out to the family of Robert Richard this month. I first personally met Robert when he worked at Palms Grill restaurant at the entrance to Treasure Beach. A large smiling face, with a gentle sense of humor, Robert was always fun to chat with about Treasure Beach or motorcycles. I nicknamed Robert, " Chef Robert", as his cooking was awesome on weekends at the local diners. Last year Robert called on me several times about mechanical problems he'd run into with his pickup truck or motorcycle, asking for assistance or advice, he was fun to work with. Due to his friendly personality, I'd run over and do my best to assist him at his Majorca street home. Robert left us suddenly at age 29 with a massive heart attack here in Treasure Beach. Most of Roberts friends including me were shocked by this loss. From what I understand Robert had never shown any health troubles before. I know from speaking with local friends we are all still trying to deal with this one.
Gentleman's agreement, yes within our canals was a basic word of mouth agreement over docks. No, not the hard fixed to your seawall docks, but the floating docks. More than 20 years ago at a meeting with the Treasure Beach Association, it was said, that each home owner would offset the floating dock across from the other owners. Basically, if your floating dock was to the right or left of your property then the guy across the canal would put his opposite to keep the center open for larger boat traffic. In effect this sounds great until you drive around the canals and see if this old agreement was kept up. Answer is simply NOT A CHANCE!  I did some inspection and it looks more like a circus of how big, and how much float can we get out there. Most seem to be directly across from the other in each canal. This just shows why we end up with county restrictions, and laws over us. Leaving it up to the home owners the floating docks are just another example of things needing control. No we don't all have to get the same size or style but so much for gentleman's agreements. While we are on that topic I watched several floating docks fall apart last month in these canals. Did the owners jump to repair or remove the mess? NOT A CHANCE. Instead, the dock was left to rot and dismantle into the canal. Another great example of why we end up with laws to restrict us. Seawalls are still a sour deal here, but I keep watching the ones grow out at an alarming rate getting ready to hit the canal with dirt. Seeing the county was informed and now nothing done by the owner or the county means just another big load of dirt will end up in our canals. Will the county help out ? NOT A CHANCE!
Life here on the canals is great, so wake up and clean up.
L.A. Panchuk ( Author: The Devil's Magnet )
Reporter: Xzone radio
Treasure Beach
Release. I hearby release this for publication to The Saint Augustine Record, to be used in anyway they see fit. / LP

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Skimming devices in St. Johns County



  Over this past weekend a rush of reports began to come into the Sheriff's Office of fraudulent transactions for debit / credit cards.  From information gathered by the financial institutions the point of compromise was at the gasoline stations on SR 16 @ I-95.  If you gassed up and used your debit / credit card at the pump recently at any of the gas stations in that area please review your statements as soon as possible.  Report any fraudulent transactions to your financial institutions.  Bank of St. Augustine and Prosperity Bank are working directly with us so you will not need a separate report from the Sheriff's Office.  Other financial institutions may ask for you to complete a police report. 



Sunday, April 18, 2010


                           SPEAKER FOR MAY 11TH, 2010 COMMUNITY MEETING
Karen Miles and her husband own Devil's Elbow.  Karen was one of the speakers at the Palm Coast Community meeting on 4/13/2010 regarding the DEP/OFW issues and how it can effect our canals and waterways.
Please plan to attend this meeting as it will be very informative. Also, if your neighbors do not have e-mail, please make sure they are aware of this meeting.
                                                               Thank you,
                                                               Paula Murphy

Sunday, April 11, 2010


This information was submitted by Larry Panchuk. The point of this e-mail is that if this happens to waterways in Palm Coast, Treasure Beach could be next on the EPA and St. Johns Waterway Management list.  Paula Murphy, President of TBPOA
Treasure Beach basin threats !
On my desk this month is a copy for a new classification for the waterway in this area. Most of us might not know about it, but the environmental protection agency is looking at us. YEAH, wake up!  There is a proposal to designate portions of the Matanzas River basin as OUTSTANDING FLORIDA WATERS. Ok, in short, this would mean, NO BOATS, NO DREDGING ...ever! and lots of restrictions. The proposal would also see us all on sewer, making the present septic tanks used on the island illegal. The meetings already in progress threaten our way of life. The list of restrictions goes on to include that every home on Anastasia Island would have to be on city sewer. Plus restrictions to beach access and that's just the top of the iceberg. For more information about this new deal, you can contact Janet Klemm in Tallahassee at (850) 245 8427.
The first meeting for this workshop is open to the public in Palm Coast. Nice uh ? So, someone in Tallahassee and a workshop in Palm Coast ?? to restrict waterways near and around Treasure Beach ??? Yes! and by people that do not live in the area. The proposal would in many ways affect everyone on the island, and our economy. More about this next month as the information comes in.  I'm still in shock over this proposal myself.


This information was submitted by Larry Panchuk. The point of this e-mail is that if this happens to waterways in Palm Coast, Treasure Beach could be next on the EPA and St. Johns Waterway Management list.  Paula Murphy, President of TBPOA
Treasure Beach basin threats !
On my desk this month is a copy for a new classification for the waterway in this area. Most of us might not know about it, but the environmental protection agency is looking at us. YEAH, wake up!  There is a proposal to designate portions of the Matanzas River basin as OUTSTANDING FLORIDA WATERS. Ok, in short, this would mean, NO BOATS, NO DREDGING ...ever! and lots of restrictions. The proposal would also see us all on sewer, making the present septic tanks used on the island illegal. The meetings already in progress threaten our way of life. The list of restrictions goes on to include that every home on Anastasia Island would have to be on city sewer. Plus restrictions to beach access and that's just the top of the iceberg. For more information about this new deal, you can contact Janet Klemm in Tallahassee at (850) 245 8427.
The first meeting for this workshop is open to the public in Palm Coast. Nice uh ? So, someone in Tallahassee and a workshop in Palm Coast ?? to restrict waterways near and around Treasure Beach ??? Yes! and by people that do not live in the area. The proposal would in many ways affect everyone on the island, and our economy. More about this next month as the information comes in.  I'm still in shock over this proposal myself.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Garage Door Opener

                                                          LOST & FOUND
A garage door remote was found on Treasure Beach Road. If any might be missing one and can describe it contact this website . Thank you

Garage Door Opener

                                                          LOST & FOUND
A garage door remote was found on Treasure Beach Road. If any might be missing one and can describe it contact this website . Thank you

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Former Resident Passes

John Vincent Maguire


John Vincent Maguire (Jay), 63. of St. Augustine, Fla., died March 29, 2010, at his home and will be greatly missed. He was a native and lifelong resident of St. Augustine. He was formerly a resident on Ventura Road. John was executive vice president for David Dobbs Enterprises.

Memorial services will be held 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 8, 2010, at Amore Chapel.

He is survived by his brother, Tim Maguire, St. Augustine; stepdaughter, Christie Cameron; companion, Lu-Ellen Esposito; and many aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends.

Craig Funeral Home Crematory is in charge of the arrangements.

Media Release



6 April 2010

St. Johns County Sheriff David Shoar will brief members of the Sheriff's Advisor Council at a reception for all district ShAdCos this Thursday, 08 April 2010, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the St. Johns County Agricultural Center. The program, patterned after successful ones in other locations, is to cement a cohesive partnership in open forum to share vital information, foster a mutual understanding whereby citizen input is paramount in the implementation and effectiveness of Crime Prevention, and demonstrate full accountability to the residents of St. Johns County. This program hopes to reduce the fear of crime in the county.

Sheriff Shoar will welcome all ShAdCo members and interested citizens and refreshments will be furnished. This reception is open to the public, again, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the St. Johns County Agricultural Center, 3125 Agricultural Center Dr., off C.R. 208. For additional information on the ShAdCo program, please contact Lt. Dan Chitwood @ (904)810-6791, or by emailing @ The Sheriff's Office will make final selection of each council's members.

Media Release



6 April 2010

Through the PACT Prevention Coalition SARG Grant to combat underage drinking members of the St. Johns County Sheriff's Office conducted a "Party Patrol Detail" this past Saturday, 03 April along with an "Alcohol Compliance Detail" this past Monday, 5 April. Both operations were in the St. Augustine Beach area during Spring Break.

The "Party Patrol Detail" arrested three individuals for an open house party and issued ten misdemeanor citations for possession of alcohol under 21.

For the "Alcohol Compliance Detail", a 17-year old male attempted to purchase alcohol at 15 St. Augustine Beaches establishments. The Aide was served alcohol at 3 of the businesses.

The aide would produce his actual identification if asked and state his true age if requested. The Sheriff's Office filed a charge of selling/serving or giving alcohol to a person under the age of 21on the three subjects who served alcohol to the Aide. Those reports will also be sent to the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco for potential administrative investigations.

The establishments where clerks were charged with selling alcohol to a minor were:

Kangaroo Express, 351 A1A/Beach Blvd., a 34-year old female sold a 4pk of beer.

Casa Maria Restaurant, 1001 A1A/Beach Blvd., a 26-year old female served a beer.

Pelican Pub, 2085 A1A South, a 39-year old female served a beer.

Clerks at the following businesses refused to sell alcohol to the Investigative Aide: Anastasia Billiards, 1957 A1A So., Conch House, 57 Comares Ave., Mango Mango's, 700 A1A/Beach Blvd., Holiday Inn Beach Bar, 860 A1A/Beach Blvd., Publix Liquors, 1027 A1A/Beach Blvd., Kangaroo Express, 1115 A1A/Beach Blvd., Winn Dixie, 3905 A1A/Beach Blvd., Kangaroo Express, 4301 A1A South, Finnegan's Irish Pub, 5547 A1A South, Dollar General, 5575 A1A South, Dunes Cracker, 641 A1A/Beach Blvd., and Sunset Grill, 421 A1A/Beach Blvd.