Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Boat Motor Burglary

On Wednesday night Dec, 23rd, 2008 sometime after midnight or Thursday morning our motor was stolen off our boat sitting on the boat lift in our “Pelican” canal, in the backyard, we live at 218 Puebla Road.

This motor is a White Johnston 9.9 Hp, short shaft.

We have the ID number and serial number of this motor and the sheriff office is looking for a description of a boat that might have been seem in our canals on that evening or morning or any information of who may have done this.

If you have any information at all, please notify me or the sheriff’s office immediately.

You may reach me by my cell phone at (904)484-6368
Home number is (904)471-8774
Work Number (904)471-6299
Or my personal email is
My work email is

Maybe together we can find these criminals and stop them before some else gets robbed.
Thank you and Happy holidays to all,
Gene Martinello

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Treasure Beach Water Main Replacement Project Intent

The goal of the Treasure Beach Water Main Replacement Project is to improve water quality and pressure in the Treasure Beach area. By removing the galvanized water mains and replacing them with PVC, the rusty colored water will be eliminated. By increasing the water main size, the low pressure during high demand times will be eliminated. An added benefit of the new water mains will be an increase in fire protection on many of the dead end roads.

This project will include replacing 6,900 ft of two inch galvanized pipe with 3600 ft of six inch PVC pipe, 3,300 ft of four inch PVC pipe and 220 new 1” water services from the water main to the customers’ meter. The construction will take place on the following roads: Majorca, Rio Royale, Ole, Rojo, Ajo, Treasure Beach, Basque, Pizarro, Ventura, Hildago, Puebla, Villa Verda, Barco, Desoto, Gomez, and Salado.

Project Time Line:Date Item

December 16, 2008 Board of County Commissioners Awards Bid

January 23, 2009 County receives full executed contract and bond from Contractor.

January 27, 2009 Pre Construction meeting between County and Contractor.

February 1, 2009 County issues Notice to Proceed to contractor so the Contractor may begin mobilizing to project site.

August 1, 2009 Contractor shall be substantial finished with the project.

September 1, 2009 The Contractor shall be completely finished with the project and have all equipment off the project.

The construction schedule determining the order and time for each individual road is being developed. The contractor will be notifying residents prior to beginning construction on each roadway.