Friday, December 19, 2014

TBPOA December meeting minutes

Minutes of the Treasure Beach Officers Election for 2015 

The meeting of Wednesday December 17,2014 was attended by 16 folks at Beacher's Lodge. 

John Delaney gave an up-date to what he is trying to do to reinstate ordinances that have "sun-setted" and get new ordinances for Treasure Beach regarding bulkheads and docks. He is working hard at it and will keep us informed as time progresses. It appears that he has gotten the attention of the county folks. Time will tell. He will also work on a grass cutting ordinance for Treasure Beach Only. Also, John Delaney has come pretty close to finalizing The Wake Zone Ordinance.Wording is almost complete .All that has to be done is get approval from the Corp of engineers, county board to sign into law and new signs posted with the ordinance number shown. 

The meeting also developed a new governing system made up of a Board of Directors. Charlie Novak will head up the board and continue as Treasurer. Term limits will be 1 year for some and two years for others in order to make a smooth transitioning in the future years. 

There will be a board meeting of "THE FIVE" set for sometime in mid February. The new board members will be Sharon Mcilhenney, Kris Kinge, Larry Hunt, Patrick Shaw and Charlie Novak. 

The Board will set a budget for 2015 for line items such as walkway maintenance, dues ,a questionnaire asking if property owners are in favor of a grass ordinance that will go out in the dues collection letter in March or April. The Board will also place in the budget awards for those who serve the community to decorate the front entrance and the beautification of the front entrance as well as the member who stores our Treasure Beach Shed. The possibility of selling the shed came up and we investigate the possibilities further down the road. Finally a question to the property owners if they want a TBPOA Christmas Party in December 2015. 

We have a diverse group of Directors and plan to meet 2 or 3 times per year with an annual meeting in January. 

A few questions came up about the canals for which we will post a copy of email response from the county regarding when final charges will come due. There was concern about the Gator Dredging having pole tie downs that were sunk a few inches below the water line that could prove to be very dangerous for navigation. This will be brought to the attention of Gator Dredging by the County project manager today. We were informed that the county office is keeping track of the expenses and that Gator works for a month then gets paid for the work they performed. When the project is complete (by the end of December 2014) in the canals it will take about one month to clean up Butler Park West. The spoils are being taken to a county pond off Holmes Blvd .

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