Saturday, February 1, 2014

minutes from the January 2014 TBPOA meeting

January 22, 2014

Pot Luck dinner at 6:30 

Pledge of allegiance 7:30

Recording Secretary cast one vote for each member running for the board. The new board is officially elected.

Guest Speakers:

Officer Melissa Swindull  will be our contact for neighborhood watch. She will help with any problems, call or e-mail her.  She spoke about a wave of break ins that are taking place in Ponte Vedra. Most all of them were cars that were left unlocked. The crooks take one credit card from a wallet so you don't miss it for some time. Then they up on a wig or whatever is needed to look something like the person they robbed. Then they go thru the drive thru at the bank and use the one farthest away from the window.  She expects them to move to new locations and this could be one. So make sure your cars are always locked.  For neighborhood watch she just wants you to keep your eyes open when you go in or out and to call if you see anything that does not look right.  She also stated that she would support us in the effort to get a cross walk on A1A.

LT. Stacie Newman from the St. Johns County Fire & Rescue Dept. let us know that thru a grant the county has 300 smoke detectors available, they are free to anyone living in St. Johns County, all you need do is to call them and set up an appointment and they will come and install them for free.
She also spoke of a website called where you can download a form to fill out and put in your refrigerator with info on your medical status such as meds that you are allergic to. There would be a sticker on your door and on the refrigerator so the fire rescue would know to look there before giving you a shot of something.


Minutes accepted as read.
Treasurer's report accepted as read. We have $22,578.93 in our checking account, $10,291.59 in a CD. The county gave us back the money we spent up to this point on the canal project.

Old Business:
Canals: Project out for bids this week. Butler Park will be closed and used for the spoils from the dredging. There will be a meeting next week about the canals to answer question.
The dues letter is ready to go out.

New Business:
If you want to add something to the website let Agni know.
It was suggested that we see if we could get new Neighborhood Watch signs.
Yard of the month: If you are interested let Angi know.
Spring Picnic: offer suggestions for where and when and let Angi know also if you would be willing to help.
T.B.P.O.A. shed, do we need it anymore?
It was suggested that we get gift cards for some of our volunteers.
Benches: there was a suggestion that we place some cement benches at the bus stop. Will need to contact the county, although we did not do so when we put the big rock there.
It was noted that the Council on Aging will put in ramps and grab bars for people who need them.   

Adjourned at 8:45 PM

Recording Secretary - Rich Grubb

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