Thursday, January 1, 2009

January 2009 Newsletter

I just realized I need to get a picture for the paper. I don’t want you all to think I look like Charlie! (Just kidding, Charlie!)

It was a tight election, but all of the campaigning I did paid off!!! Ha! Ha! Now the truth….no one else would run! I know you find it hard to believe but no one wanted this prestigious position! Maybe it’s because when you are in a leadership position of any kind; a significant number of people will be mad at you all of the time.

2008 was a busy year for the Board. Following are some of the accomplishments that we made:

Successful Membership Drive – We sent out over 400 letters to all property

Owners and more than 200 paid their annual dues of $30.00 per year. That’s the best participation we have ever had and WE THANK YOU!!!!

It’s NOT TOO LATE to pay your 2008 dues OR too early to pay your 2009

Front Wall – The wall made it through the rest of 2008!! Let’s keep our fingers crossed for 2009! Thanks to Jill Ziebell, Rose Larson, Wally Richter, Nancy Gaj, Phyllis Abbott, and Barbara Warman who made time to design and decorate this area! Also, thanks to the “mystery” person
who has been pulling weeds!!!!! If anyone, owner or renter, has a desire to work on the wall decorating, please contact the board.

Monthly Articles – Board members and volunteers published articles in the First Coast Newspaper! Thanks to all who donate their time to getting the articles to the paper and who participate in writing those articles!

Fell Park Dedication – Fell Park was dedicated in honor of Joe and Betty Fell, who were so very instrumental in the transformation of Treasure Beach “the fish camp” into Treasure Beach “the community”. Fell Park is located at the very end of Treasure Beach Blvd. There is a bench and very nice sign commemorating the park.

Neighborhood Watch – headed by Doug Berndt. Doug was able to develop a good working relationship with the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Department.

Community Clean-Up – We had a successful community clean up day. However, we were not able to get a “free” dumpster this year. A little “birdie” told me we will have one in early 2009!!!!

Spring Volunteer Picnic – We had another spring picnic at Butler Park that was well attended.

Navigational Markers – We did have to replace some markers in the canals, by the request of the U. S. Coast Guard.

Annual Christmas Party – December 20th we had our annual Treasure Beach Christmas Party at the VFW Hall on US 1. Phyllis Grubb and her daughter, Sonny, helped me decorate. Approximately 50 people attended. (Geez….only 50 people out of over 400 families????) The food was great, good entertainment (especially watching some of our guests dancing!!) If you didn’t make it, you may have missed your last opportunity to attend a TBPOA party. When you get only 50 attendees out of 400 residents it’s very disheartening.

Improved TBPOA Boardwalk – Improvements to the boardwalk were started and will be completed early January, 2009. Thanks to John Kelleher, Steve Abbott, George Pascucci, Richard Grubb, Tom Griffin and other kind volunteers, we were able to beautify the boardwalk to give TBPOA and Seychelles residents a safer, more attractive way to get to the beach. Signs
will be posted indicating that there is to be NO SKATEBOARDING OR BIKE RIDING ON THE BOARDWALK.

Parents: If your child has been skateboarding or bike riding on the boardwalk, PLEASE ask them to stop. They can get seriously injured.

Whew! We’ve been busy!!

The year 2009 will bring some new changes to the function of the Treasure Beach Board. We will be functioning more on a “business” level. We will not be planning parties, etc. However…..if any volunteer has a money making idea or community function, please bring it to the attention of the board. You will need to form your own committee and be responsible for the planning of the function.

The meeting dates are: April 7th, June 2nd and October 6th. Of course, signs will be posted at the entrance way to remind EVERYONE of the meeting. ALL are welcomed, including RENTERS!

We are still going to have two (2) potluck dinners. Primarily because we have some REALLY GOOD COOKS in our community!!!

The Board has voted to hold only four (4) community meetings per year. We will still have monthly board meetings to keep on top of issues in the community. Any items that need to be shared with the community will be printed in the President’s Dock newsletter each month.

One of our goals this year is to really improve our website. (Last year it was the boardwalk). Doug Berndt will be getting bids and ideas to help us get the most attractive, user friendly website possible. (He knows the new president is computer illiterate.)

To know what is going on in the community on a monthly basis you will need to either read the First Coast Newspaper or log onto our website. The entire newsletter will be printed on this site.

The Neighborhood Watch program is being “massaged”. Danny Roberts will take over for Doug Berndt as the security contact. However, Danny is recuperating from surgery right now.

The idea of having residents take turns patrolling the neighborhood was a great thought. However, GETTING VOLUNTEERS to do it is like pulling teeth! We need help! If you want a safer neighborhood, please call me and give me suggestions as to how to best achieve this. Don’t leave our safety up to a few people. The Neighborhood Watch program means just that….ALL NEIGHBORS NEED TO WATCH! Watch out for YOUR neighbors. If you see suspicious people lurking around our streets late at night call the Sheriff’s Department. If you see someone
across the canal going into a back porch and you know the owner is out of town…call the Sheriff. We’ve had cars broken into, boat motors stolen, etc. We also need to protect the children in our neighborhood. If you know there is a house where drug activity is going on….call the Sheriff! Drug activity is rampant everywhere. That’s right, our sweet little St. Augustine is big into
drug activity. Just read the arrest log in the St. Augustine Record.

We are going to try to have a guest speaker at every quarterly community meeting. If you know of someone that you think has good information that residents of TBPOA would like to know, please call me at 461.4356.

If it is your birthday this month!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I am only aware of one birthday and it is an important one! Bert Dobbertin turns 85 this week! If you should see Bert, please wish him Happy Birthday!

Well, I’ve rambled enough! Thanks again for all of the volunteers past and present. Also, thanks for giving me the opportunity to work as your TBPOA

Paula Murphy

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