Tuesday, June 3, 2008

From the President’s Heart

I was once told by a very close friend - when I was completely overwhelmed by all the problems in the world, that you can’t fix the whole world But you can make your little corner better.

Treasure Beach has had a Board of Directors since our community began. Why?? All of a sudden are we in danger of losing our association???

Are all the retired people in our community too BUSY for 3 hours a month?

Do our families with children care about the neighborhood their children grow up in?

Or is this just another apathetic neighborhood ?

I have worked together with the Board for the past three years to make our neighborhood a better place and now it is very depressing to think that our association may end because NOBODY CARES ENOUGH to volunteer their time.

There are a multitude of things that the Board of Directors do for Treasure Beach. If this association goes away- Who will you call with your neighborhood problems? What will you do to repair an entrance wall ? Who do you think will handle your safety problems in this community with the Sheriffs Office? How about the Beach Walkway? What will happen there in the future? What about our failing canals - Are you ready to deal with the county as an individual ?

Listen I can go on about other situations but I’m not.

Please consider the open positions listed below :

President, Treasurer, Neighborhood Watch Vice President, 2nd Vice President. These jobs need to be filled before the October Meeting.

Please call Paula Murphy at 461-4356 or Rose Larsen at 461-4411 . They are the nominating chairpersons. The board and I will help you with the position you select. I will stay on as president emeritus to assist the board.

Remember- You can make your little corner better.


Charles Novak
President- TBPOA

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