It’s that time again when family and friends get together to celebrate Thanksgiving. I read an article about the first Thanksgiving and it turns out they may not have even had turkey, or sweet potatoes or pumpkin pie!
The first recorded religious Day of Thanksgiving was held in 1623 in response to a providential rainfall.
The religious day of thanksgiving and the harvest festival evolved into a single event: a yearly Thanksgiving, proclaimed by individual governors for a Thursday in November.
The custom of an annual Thanksgiving celebrating abundance and family spread across America. Some presidents proclaimed Thanksgivings, others did not. Abraham Lincoln began the tradition of an annual national Thanksgiving in 1863.
Thanksgiving is an enduring symbol from which millions of immigrants have learned "Americanism." While not all Native Peoples celebrate the day, the story of the Pilgrims and Wampanoag sharing a harvest celebration remains an inspiration to many.
We are very sorry to have to tell you that we lost a good friend and board member this month due to cancer. Barbara Warman was our Treasurer for four years and did an exemplary job. Barbara was also very instrumental in getting the annual dues letter out to our property owners with the help of Gisela and Freddie Prange.
Barbara Warman (guestbook on Legacy.com)
There’s not much of a surprise here! The officers for the TBPOA board for the year 2013 are as follows:
Paula Murphy – President Irv Stockdale – 1st VP Sharon McIlhenney – 2nd VP
Charlie Novak – Treasurer Richard Grubb - Recording Secretary
Unless there are any surprise volunteers at the November meeting…..the above people will be the 2013 Treasure Beach Board.
As you can see by the names running for the board in 2013…..change is going to be necessary if we are to have a board at all. For the last 5 years….it has pretty much been the same people volunteering for the board.
Starting in 2013 there will only be one Community Meeting held during the year. The date will be announced in the near future.
There will be a major change in the way we communicate with our owners/residents. There will no longer be monthly articles in the First Coast Journal from the President. TBPOA will rely solely on our website to communicate information. There are very positive aspects to this new change. The details have not been completely worked out, but they will be announced in the December (and last issue) of The President’s Dock.
And, don’t forget our “nextdoor neighbor” web site.
Respectfully submitted:
Paula Murphy, Doc Hall, Sharon McIlhenney, Charlie Novak and Richard Grubb
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