Well….the picnic was a success! Thunderstorms threatened us, but they went away right around 11:00 a.m. so the picnic committee went to work setting things up. By noon the die hard picnickers started showing up and the committee started cooking! As usual, there were great side dishes to share and great desserts! Even some new faces! It’s such a great opportunity to meet new people in TB.
Our guest speakers talked about invasive plants in our area and had suggestions as to how to get rid of them. Two big offenders are the Brazilian Pepper tree and the Mexican Petunias. Wouldn’t you know it….the only things I can grow are on the invasive plant list! I have given up on tomatoes!
We did have food left over, however. So guess what we’re having at the Sept. 11th meeting????? Hamburgers and Hot Dogs! Don’t worry…the meat that was not cooked has been frozen!!! We also have chips and soft drinks. You can still bring your own dinner, if you want to OR just bring a side dish to share.
We did have food left over, however. So guess what we’re having at the Sept. 11th meeting????? Hamburgers and Hot Dogs! Don’t worry…the meat that was not cooked has been frozen!!! We also have chips and soft drinks. You can still bring your own dinner, if you want to OR just bring a side dish to share.
We hope to see a lot of people at this meeting. It is a VERY IMPORTANT meeting to nominate officers for 2012. I will not be putting my name in the bag this year so please, please give thought about serving on our TBPOA Board of Directors.
There are two big elections in November…..TBPOA Officers and the election for a new President of the United States of America . (I’m not putting my name in for that job either!).
The canal committee sent out letters about a month ago and we have received some mailed responses and some phone calls. We need to hear from ALL of you. This is a community effort. If you don’t take the time to send back your letter (with or without money…..in favor or not in favor), you may not be happy with the final decisions. We need to know how many people are in favor of dredging and how many are not. WE PREFER TO HAVE THE RESPONSE SHEET FROM YOU FOR OUR RECORDS. We included a self-addressed stamped envelope. There were also addresses listed for you to drop off your response, if you prefer.
If you DID NOT receive a letter, or know someone who did not…let me know and a letter will be sent to you.
John Gobler of Maritime Construction placed a PVC marker to indicate the North side of the channel exiting Treasure Beach . John Delaney had a PVC pole that he wasn’t using so John Gobler put it to good use! If you need a bulkhead installed or repaired, you might want to contact John Gobler at Maritime Construction, P. O. Box 2014 , Flagler Beach , Fl 32136-2014. Phone# 904-860-1185. Website: MaritimeConstructionInc.com
TB will ask a member of the canal committee to place the appropriate symbol on this pole.
Did you know we have a personal trainer that lives in Treasure Beach ? (So much for my excuse for not exercising!) Shawna Cochran lives on Treasure Beach Blvd and offers many different exercise classes for all ages. She can be reached at 904-540-4524. If we could get enough men and women together we might be able to form our own exercise classes for TB residents!
If you haven’t signed into the above web site you need to give it a try. You can meet new people, stay in touch with ones you don’t see often and post items to sell, etc. on this website!
You can also tell residents if you sew, bake, or have items to sell.
This site is ONLY FOR TREASURE BEACH RESIDENTS. When you register with your e-mail address you will be prompted to put in your e-mail address every time you sign on.
You can post as much or as little information on your blog as you choose.
Also…we have some neighbors that have needs due to health issues. If you live near someone that needs help getting to the store, etc., please help them out or let me know and I may be able to contact someone on their street that can help them.
Thanks for your support of Treasure Beach !!!
Paula, Doc, Sharon, Richard and Charlie
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