Hello my neighbors. I hope everything is going well with you. As you can see -- our entrance wall is progressing along very well. We are almost there!
This meeting was the last meeting until September-" Summer Break". We intend to be back in full force when we start back. Just to let you know your board of directors continue meeting through the summer months.
For those who were unable to attend our community/pot luck dinner meeting last Friday, you lost out on some very good food. You also missed out on hearing what the St. Johns County Sheriff's Department is doing for Treasure Beach. You may have noted the really noticeable presence of patrol cars and bikes on your street. Colonel Art May explained why there is so much presence and told us of a number of vehicle break-ins recently. Probably, the break-ins would not have occurred if you would have locked your vehicle.
Colonel May asked that you lock your vehicle. He also said that the radar gun is still working in this community so be aware of your speeds ( 25 MPH). He also said that his department can't do it alone. He wanted to ask once again- if you see any suspicious activity or any possible nuisance or traffic violation. Call the sheriff's office 824-8304 and report it. Colonel May said that no call is too little. His department takes all calls seriously. He finished his presentation by saying that your Neighborhood Watch Program impacts how safe your community can be.
All I can say is thank you to the special folks who volunteer for Neighborhood Watch duty. Keep in mind however that a few volunteers can't do it alone. We need you help. Call our Neighborhood Watch Chairman Doug Berndt ( 461-6943) and take a week of duty. It's not difficult. Do it for yourself -- do it for your family -- do it for your community.
A few weeks ago Treasure Beach Property Owners Association sponsored a community yard sale at no cost to anyone who chose to take advantage of the newspaper advertisements we ordered and the signs we had made. I am told that many of our neighbors had good exposure and matching sales as a result. Two of our neighbors were very thoughtful and kind to give back to the community. They each donated $10.00 from their proceeds collected to the TBPOA as a thank you for sponsoring this event. I guess what I am asking - is for you to consider this the next time we sponsor another yard sale.
It is not a requirement only a suggestion.
As an up-date our Canal Chairman -- Doug Martin reported that the Record had an article about Treasure Beach Canals in last Sunday's paper. A nice article it was !! Doug also reported that Mike Rubin St Johns County Construction Supervisor requested $ 35,000 to hire a marine engineering company to survey the canals and make cost study recommendations for the bulkheads currently in place as well as how and in what manner the canals should be dredged.
So, we are on track with the county as to what we recommended to the commissioners at our February 7, 2007 Workshop. Once the survey is completed the lots with bulkheads designated with poor/failing construction or no bulkhead at all will be referred to the St Johns County Code Enforcement department to follow up and issue citations for repair/replacement/etc.
Our canal committee has been working very hard to get things on track and keep it on track. I think they deserve a round of applause and your support.
At our community meeting two other things happened....First (on a positive note), the drawing for the raffle tickets sold to benefit our community funds took place and the luck winners of the drawing went to George Pascucci of Ventura Road $ 100.00 and to Katherine Wright ( ticket sold by Bill and Marion Libby ) of Hildago Road $ 75.00.
I would like to thank all those who participated and to the street captains who sold the tickets. The person who sold the most tickets was Dick Fanning of Ventura. Thanks again. I believe that we netted $ 446.00
Second ( and on a sour note) . When we have community meetings often times there are one or two persons who turn off the members by speaking in a very loud and aggressive manner about their negative feelings of what is going on in the community. Sometimes I believe that the folks I refer to are personally just plain angry about life!
If you know who you are and want to keep our other members from getting up-set with you -- why not try very hard to write your opinion down on paper and offer it as a possible solution without getting everyone in an up-roar. We all come together in a group ,as one, with a common cause to improve our community without throwing darts at one another. Some folks said they did not come to hear strong argumentative opinions. If they wanted to hear that they would have stayed home and argued with their spouse- just to keep in-shape. Your consideration would be appreciated.
I have a solution for those who get heartburn from either the "direction " or "lack of action" by a committee. If you as an individual have a problem with an issue on the walkway to the ocean or our neighborhood security or the canals or any other item where there is a committee- please send me an email requesting to attend the next committee meeting to express your views and offer a solution. You will be most welcomed and will be treated with respect and dignity. I guarantee it!!
Often times we refer to the archives of our mind and recall past occurrences when dealing with a problem - and that is normal and it is the right thing to do but it should not stop there. You should try to formulate a solution and share with those on the committee. Remember you can be part of the solution or part of the problem. Which will you choose?
As a neighbor and president of this community association, I have come to love and revere so many of you all. I do understand what you attempting to do but you must help us ,whenever you can, by offering a plan to fix. Let's not linger on the past history of Treasure Beach because it is history. Today is the beginning of the rest of our lives. Lets move on with solutions. Enough of my soap box speech. I love you all.!!
On a brighter note- we are beginning to attack the Treasure Beach Web Site with full force. Our Board of Directors have agreed to have Freddie Prange and Doug Berndt ( for back-up) instructed on maintenance of our web site. I will be contacting a local web site company shortly to accomplish this plan. The instructor may be coming to Freddie's house for an hour of instruction. The Board has authorized funds for the soft ware necessary to do this.
Now, the front entrance....All of you who reside here have noticed the progress made with the wall repairs. We are dealing with the electrical portion at present. Once completed- special decorative "Hospatitality Pineapples" will be secured to the four columns at both walls. While that is going on our front entrance beautification committee (Nancy Gaj and Jill Zeibell) will proceed with plants etc. During this period our own Steve Abbott will see what he can do with the duplication of the lettering for the south wall.
There is one problem -- the sprinkler system in the planter box that was graciously installed for us by Ms. Donna Wendler ( owner of the plaza) is apparently supplied by a shallow well with lots of salt/iron content. We will see what we can do to keep the water but let it spray on the walls but used as a trickle- irrigation system.
I want to acknowledge Doug Berndt and Steve Abbott for dealing with the wall reconstruction. It has not been an easy task dealing with the contractors who want to get paid but not work. Poor Doug must have been pulling his hair out!! Thank you so much for your help. And I know the community thanks you and is quite pleased from what I have been hearing.
You know -- we have some special people in our midst. I just wanted to acknowledge Bill and Marion Libby who do so much for our Treasure Beach Community but also deliver Meals on Wheels to our surrounding neighbors in other communities. Folks like those who can't get out to go to the store for various reasons. Bill and Marion do this everyday and never complain. Maybe this is your niche'.Give me a call( 471-1579)if you also want to help locally deliver meals to the elderly and infirmed who are home-bound. It is a real ministry in itself. The real deal is that God will pay you back ten-fold. What have you done for someone lately with no expectation of getting paid back??
On another note --
Look for a calendar of up-coming events thru years' end in this newsletter.
Finally- this one I have been dreading. It is an emotional item with me. I hope I can explain clearly -- why.
I call to all home owners who have not supported this community with your annual
dues donation of a meager $ 25.00 per year. Many of you have never paid your dues but continue to enjoy the benefits of this association. You know, out of the 400 plus lot owners a whopping 35 percent pay their dues. Hello to those in the 65 percent category..
Many of you who have paid for 2006 may have forgotten that this is a yearly thing. Dues are payable in January of each year. We have over 30 families who have not sent in their dues for 2007. I feel that this is not intentional but that things like "life" get in the way and we put the dues on the back burner. Well, now is the time to bring it to the front burner.
An observation by me:
Take a look at advertisements in the paper when a lot/home goes up for sale in Treasure Beach. The adds read something like this :
Canal Front Lot/Home bulk-headed and ideally located close to and with easy access to the intra-coastal, in a community with a deeded walkway to the beach. Great opportunity to live by the water, dock your boat and enjoy the beach.
Yes ,that is what we all decided to do by moving into Treasure Beach. It's a great place! You have it all for the water/beach worshiper and a nice place to dock your boat. Not to mention increase in property value in a canal lot community.
What the ads never mention:
What else is included? A Neighborhood watch that is very active. It has gotten the sheriffs department attention to recognize that we demand security and peace of mind.
It never mentions that we have volunteers who help bring this community together . We have various outings like bowling, golf , theatre outings, pot luck dinner meetings, Lunch Bunch get togethers at various local restaurants, guest speakers at our community meetings and community yard sales to mention only a few.. We also have a Board of Directors and Neighborhood Watch volunteers who work 52 weeks a year to keep this association running.
The entrance wall was demolished in an auto accident two months ago. Who do you think took care of the rebuilding process? If you did not have an association who would have located the driver of the crash vehicle and deal with the insurance company of the insured (who failed to step up to the plate and admitting guilt until we pressed the issue with the sheriff's office). Would the wall remain shattered as you read this? Or would you have taken charge and got the wall repaired for over $4,000 out of your pocket ? Do you care about neighborhood appearance?
Do you think the lights at the front entrance are kept lighted free of charge by FPL? How do you think the accumulated trash on the main streets of Treasure Beach get cleaned? Not by the county --I can assure you. Who goes to bat for you concerning the Treasure Beach canals with the Commissioners? Would you be willing/able to hire an attorney for your little piece of the canal property and deal with the commissioners?
Yes, all property owners have a deeded right to access to the beach - A huge value to your property now and even more with the years to come when vehicular driving will be banned. Who do you think takes care of the walkway? Have you used it lately ? Have you ever paid to repair a section of the walkway? Have you ever offered your time and talent to repair?
Are you prepared to seek possible legal counsel regarding a current situation with Seychelles property owners? Do you have the funds to do this?
All the above comes from your Treasure Beach Community Association and its many volunteers. Without your support both in money and time and talent this community would dry up and turn to zero value$$$$$$$. I don't think you want that to happen. Please send in your dues today then become an active member with just 2 hours a month --9 months a year - attend the monthly meetings. We need your support. Be our cheerleaders to help us carry on and protect what is yours. Help us help you keep up your property values.
Respectfully Submitted,
Charlie Novak
President TBPOA
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