Our meeting of Friday May 5th was well attended once again. Barbara and Mike Warman supplied us with the tasty refreshments for the meeting. We thank you for your time and talent.
Our guest speaker was our Vice President Rose Larsen who introduced her working partner, Donna McRorie - Family Service Counselor of Kotrady-Hudgins- Croyle Funeral Home in St Augustine. The subject was "Choices/Options and planning your final burial/cremation". We were informed of the options that our Veterans are entitled regarding the final plans. Insurance and/or trusts were discussed to "lock-in" the current costs. Finally, the rule of thumb regarding cost of a burial or cremation- it doubles every ten years. There was a question and answer period that cleared up many misunderstood ideas. If you were unable to attend just call Rose Larsen at Kotrady-Hudgins-Croyle Funeral Home.
POTLUCK Dinner Meeting
Our next meeting (and last for the Summer) will take place at 6:00 P.M. at Beacher's Lodge on Friday June 1, 2007. It will be a potluck dinner meeting. Bring yourself and a friend for this event. The food is always great. Reminder signs will be posted at Desoto Road and the main entrance prior to this meeting. Bring a dish to share and enjoy the company.
Our Young Treasure Beach Residents
I really wanted to get something together for our children of Treasure Beach this summer.
For the past 2 or 3 newsletters I have asked for some parents to step up and volunteer for an activity day, paid for by TBPOA; however, I have to give up. I received "ZERO" calls offering to help.
At our meeting Friday May 5,2007 it was decided that there was no interest in this project.I must reluctantly cancel any plans for which I had hoped would develop for our children.
This is my last term so I cannot promise any plans for 2008.
Our Volunteer Picnic
Our annual picnic was held at Frank Butler Park West on Saturday April 28th. Approximately 45 volunteers attended as well as future volunteers. There were a few who could not attend due to illness or being out of town. We missed you all.
The weather did cooperate with us and all had a lovely time. Once again the food was great!!
I would like to thank Peggy Berrier -Chairperson and her 3 co-chairs
(Sheila Martin, Cherie Hall and Geisla Prange) for putting this affair together.
Our Community Yard Sale is coming up very soon.
Saturday May 19, 2007 ....
Look for additional information in this newsletter.
We have placed ads in the record and penny saver and placed signage on the streets to help you with your yard sale. There is no cost to you. Just sell your yard sale stuff. May you make a lot of money!!
Thank you Jim and Peggy Berrier for your help in getting this done for us all.
Canal Committee
A letter has been mailed to our Commissioner requesting the second in a series of Workshops to resolve the canal issues. We will keep you informed at the next community meeting.
Neighborhood Watch
Doug Berndt, Chairman of the Neighborhood Watch, is looking for volunteers to step up and take a week or two. Can you help? His phone number is 461-6943
Membership for 2007
Once again, a reminder- your Treasure Beach Association dues are DUE.. Your donation supports electric lighting, our front entrance beautification, repairs to common areas, signs and social functions for your enjoyment to name a few. They are only 7 cents /day- $25.oo per year. Please help us help you.
We are also trying to keep your beach walkway in shape as well as dealing with the canals and our county commissioners. I can tell you that we have approximately 425 properties in the neighborhood and so far we have the support of 125 members. Come on you folks in the 75 % group. Send that check today. You can spend $ 25 dollars at Chick- Filet in one visit.
Please don't forget us. We need your financial support.!!!!
Community Raffle
A Raffle for the benefit of our community association will take place on Friday
June 1,2007 at the Potluck Dinner Meeting. You need not be present to win however it would be very nice to see you there. If one of our members approach you for a donation
Please be considerate and help us out.
The Front Entrance
We have a committee to handle the bids and negotiations with the insurance company. The committee will recommend two plans and the Board will select one. The committee is in the process of getting repair bids and sign-renovation bids, electrical, letter bids and plant prices. We hope to get things back in shape soon. Please bear with us.
The Council on Aging
I hope that some of you called the Council on Aging to get some free repairs to your house. If you have questions I will be glad to help you with the paper work. Just give me a call at 471-1579
A request for help
We must get someone to volunteer to head up the nominating committee for our slate of officers for 2008 and present to our Board of Directors for the August Meeting. Please call me at 471-1579 to volunteer. I need a volunteer this month.
You only need to work this assignment from the comfort of your home.
Don't Forget- SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY in time, talent and treasure.
Thank you.
Charlie Novak
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