FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DOCK JULY, 2010 I don't think I will ever get used to writing a newsletter a month before people are actually going to read it! I don't plan that far ahead. Fortunately, Sharon McIlhenney has me on a schedule, which does help. I'm still late…..but I'd forget completely if it wasn't for her! Thanks, Sharon!! HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY, 2010!!! On July 4th we celebrate the day we won our independence from England. On Memorial Day we remember our loved ones and the men and women who fought and died so that we CAN celebrate July 4th. When you can vote for the political leader of your choice: THANK A SOLDIER When you can writer a letter to a government official and express your dissatification: THANK A SOLDIER When you can go to the place of worship of your choice: THANK A SOLDIER When you can fly the flag of your choice on July 4th: THANK A SOLDIER When you can live where you choose to live in peach and happiness: THANK A SOLDIER. UPDATE ON COMMUNITY MEETING ON 5/11/10 SUBJECT: The Outstanding Florida Waterway (OFW) Re-classification request. GUEST SPEAKERS: Karen Miles, Owner, Devil's Elbow St. Johns County Commissioner: Ron Sanchez OVERVIEW: The OFW wants to restrict the use of the Matanzas River from just south of the 312 Bridge to marker 109 in the Palm Coast area. WHAT THIS MEANS TO TREASURE BEACH PROPERTY OWNERS:
CURRENT STATUS: Karen Miles and Carl Blow of the St. Augustine Port Authority met with four of the St Johns Cty Commissioners to review all the details of the OFW's request. They pointed out to the commissioners that the information presented by the OFW originally was outdated and misleading, at best. It is my understanding that the prior Board of Commissioners approved the OFW request for re-classification. However, the presentation they approved was amended before it was submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection. St. John's County Water Management has sent two of their employees to the County Commissioners to discuss the re-classification. It is also my understanding that the St. John's County Water Management is in favor of this re-classification. HOW YOU CAN HELP: Please send an e-mail to the following people. All you have to say is: "Please reverse your decision regarding the re-classification request from the OFW until the proper reports, required by law, are presented to you for review". You can "copy and paste". Cyndi Stevenson:, Ron Sanchez:, Ray Quinn:, Phillip Mays: and Ken Bryan: Also…send an e-mail to: Janet Klemm at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection: "Please do not approve the re-classification request by the OFW regarding St. Johns County, Florida waterways until all of the legally required, updated information is presented to you in the proper manner". You can also send an e-mail to the DEP liaison, Kay Buchanan. Her e-mail is If you have problems with the e-mail addresses (which many of us have had), you can call 1-850-245-2293 and ask for Kay Buchanan. We cannot afford to sit back and hope that "everyone else will do something". If we do……we may wake up some morning and realize we no longer have the right to use our boats and fish in the inter-coastal waterway! VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION I also want to take this opportunity to thank the other board members that work hard for the TBPOA. Doug Berndt – 2nd Vice President – Doug is our "web-master". He sends e-mails to remind everyone of our community meetings and other important information. He also set up the pay-pay account. Please let Doug know if you have any suggestions or comments about the web-site. Doug also works closely with our web designer, Karen Carter (also a TB resident), in providing an easy to use web-site. Richard Grubb: Recording Secretary – Rich records our minutes at board and community meetings. When I need to know "what did I say in November, 2009" I can call Rich! He's great at our board meetings…..when I have a suggestion or a comment, I always look at Rich to see if he's shaking his head "yes" or "no". Rose Larsen – 1st Vice President – Rose does a great job of keeping me informed about what's happening in TB. She's also very good about helping and keeping in touch with residents that have become ill. I always call on Rose when I need help and she's always there for me! Barbara Warman – Treasurer – Last, but most important! Barbara keeps track of the TBPOA funds. She has her master's degree in accounting so I know TBPOA is in good hands. (Plus, she's smart too…..she only gives me 4 checks at a time!) VOLUNTEERS We also have a great group of volunteers that do everything from arranging our residents on a spread sheet so we can do mailings; getting those mailings out; providing snacks at the community meetings; cutting the grass in the front; planting flowers; having signs made and setting them out; planning picnics; repairing and maintaining our walkway to the beach; putting up benches at Fells Park; writing articles in the First Coast Journal, etc. I could go on and on…..but needless to say, TBPOA could not function without our volunteers. I would mention specific names but if I forgot one person I would feel awful! The board is planning a volunteer appreciation lunch or dinner………details to follow! TREASURE BEACH RESIDENT OF THE MONTH Jody Newell! (I hope I have the last name correct). Jody took it upon himself to repair the fence at the entrance to our walkway to the beach. Unfortunately, vandals kicked the fence over about 6 weeks ago. Jody repaired the fence at his own expense and on his own time. We also appreciate the nice letter of appreciation that Donna Miani, President of Seychelles Property Owner's Assn, put on the fence entrance thanking the person that made the repairs. A little kindness always goes a long way. EVERGREEN CEMETERY MEMORIAL As many of you know, our family suffered a great tragedy on 5/14/09 when our 9 month old grandson passed away. In memory of our grandson, the Murphy, Rusk and Randel families and friends, along with much help from Evergreen Cemetery, raised enough money to have a monument erected for the Garden of Angels. Part of the monument is in place and the angel should be here very soon. There will be an announcement in the St. Augustine Record advising the date for the monument dedication. Any person whose child's final resting place is in the Garden of Angels is invited to attend this dedication. THANKS TO THE ST. JOHN'S COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT TBPOA wants to express their sincere appreciation to the Sheriff's Department for their hard work in stopping crime in Treasure Beach. I'm sure we all want Treasure Beach to be a safe place to live. WHO LIKES TO SEW???? I am looking for someone who could make slip covers for my outdoor furniture cushions. If you love to sew and would be interested, please call me at 461-4356. NO MEETINGS IN JULY OR AUGUST!!! However, you will still get a newsletter! Watch for future meeting dates, TB clean up date and volunteer appreciate date! ENJOY YOUR SUMMER! Paula L. Murphy, President TREASURE BEACH PROPERTY OWNERS ASSN. | |||
Thursday, July 1, 2010
July 2010 Newsletter
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