Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Treasure Beach Porperty Owners Association

                             ATTENTION T.B.P.O.A. MEMBERS
      Life continues on in our little community here. While there are your normal daily activities there are many other things happening that some aren't aware of. Whether it be because they are too busy,  are not paid members in the association, or just never paid attention to the things going on here or the projects that need people to get involved in. While we are not a gated community such as Marsh Creek or Ocean Grove that is because we all chose to live here ; not a gated community.
      We do not dictate to our residents and neighbors what they can and can not do on their property (within reason per St. Johns County). If you own a boat, a motor home, or just have a trailer you should be able to keep in your yard with out worry about what an association might tell you. If you want to paint your house, put up a flag pole, whatever, it's your property and your right to do so with out some one telling you otherwise. Again, for that privilege we all chose to live here.
     We also are one of only a few canal communities in Florida, and a community that has an easement written into each and every one's deed. That easement grants all property owners passage over a walkway to the Atlantic ocean and the beachs there in. A front entrance announcing your arrival into Treasure Beach. We have all of these things and they have to be maintained, repaired, and sometimes replaced through the years.
       The one thing we don't have are mandatory community fees and dues, they are only VOLUNTARY. I must add that they are only a modest $40.00 a year. The average fee runs from say approximately $30.00 per month at the Shores to several hundreds of dollars per month or year elsewhere. The front entrance has been destroyed twice (by local residents unfortunately) and had to be repaired and was done at no cost to the residents. The front entrance has an F.P.L. bill, lawn maintenance, walkway repair and maintenance, etc., etc., .....................and now we have legal fees so we might protect and preserve what is ours.
      Seeing as only half the amount of property owners (if that) are paid members in the association, seeing as everybody seems to think all these things are given to us and done for us by the "association fairy" we have to be very frugal in our expenditures.
        With all of this I must now inform the residents of Treasure Beach that for the time being our community meetings at Beachers Lodge are for all paid members only. You must bring some form of identification and your membership card which would be required to gain entrance to all future meetings. This will be the norm while we are in legal litigation and procedings. We will continue with our regularily scheduled meetings for paid members of the association.     
                                                  Thank You.
P.S.    If the association wasn't here watching out for you "assets" spelled out in your deed who would? Certainly not the residents of Seychelles. Who would have replaced and repaired the front entrance? Certainly not St. Johns County, and the front entrance that greets you everyday when you come home? F.P.L. doesn't really care about the lights all year, or the Christmas lights for that matter, and as for the grass.....................who cares what it looks like, somebody else will cut it.  

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