March was a good month to start planting a garden. Even a small 4’ x 8’ x 8” garden box size provides enough space to plant peas, carrots, radishes, lettuce, onions, a couple of tomato plants and a pepper plant. You might even be able to utilize some space on your patio or along your fence to grow some vegetables.
Flagler Health Care Foundation, Inc. and Pedro Menendez High School proudly presented The Diamonds in concert on March 8th at the Pedro Menendez High School Performing Arts Center. The Diamonds performed hits from the 50s and 60s. This might provide you a vision of the type of audience that appreciated these “oldies,” but goodies. It was fun reminiscing with songs like “Why Do Fools Fall in Love?”, “The Stroll”, “In My Room”, “Splish Splash”, “Church Bells May Ring”, “Unchained Melody”, and “Little Darlin”. Two hours of wonderful entertainment!
The Treasure Beach Lunch Bunch met at Corky Bell’s Restaurant in East Palatka on March 11th.
For some of us, it was our very first visit. Lucky for us, a business meeting ended just in time for us to be given a private room for lunch. Everyone who attended seemed to enjoy their food selection and the location. Some of us even took the opportunity to stop at County Line on the way back to TB to pick up some fresh fruits and vegetables.
Perhaps you enjoyed “A Walk Back in Time” at the Florida Agricultural Museum on March 21st or 22nd. The weather was perfect. The trail began at a Timucuan village, and covered a Spanish settlement, a British outpost, a free black from Fort Mose, a Cow Camp, a Moonshiners’ campsite, and the Clark Farm. Each stop along the way represented a different period of time in Florida. Re-enactors kept true to the period and provided tales of historic events.
On March 30th, Gypsy Cab, in support of St. Johns Cultural Council, presented a dinner and movie. Both dinner and movie were excellent. “Play the Game” was a “hoot” with Andy Griffith, Doris Roberts and Liz Sheridan. A young ladies man, David teaches his dating tricks to his lonely, widowed grandfather (played by Andy Griffith), and plays his best mind games to meet the woman of his dreams. As David’s games begin to fail him, Grandpa quickly transforms into the Don Juan of the nursing home. Slowly, the teacher becomes the student, and it’s up to Grandpa to teach David that the best way to win the game of love is not to play the tame at all. Look for future monthly offerings. This is an event that you might want to consider.
By the time this May edition comes out, the Lunch Bunch will have met again on April 8th. This time in downtown St. Augustine at the Gallery Café on King Street. Whether you have been in Treasure Beach for a long time, or new to the neighborhood, the Lunch Bunch is a great opportunity to meet with old friends, neighbors, or to welcome newcomers to our community. We will also have had a TBPOA community meeting on April 7th at Beacher’s Lodge. This meeting is a Pot Luck Dinner, and I’m sure there will be plenty of good cooking to be shared by all attendees. Don’t forget to check out www.treasurebeachflorida.com to keep up with current activities.
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