Thursday, November 1, 2007

November 2007 Newsletter

Gosh the time just jumped up and bit me. I am writing at the very last moments approaching our newsletter deadline.
I must regret any losses sustained to our residents property because of all the rain we have received. I know that a few of your bulkheads have failed. If our canal committee has helped you in some fashion, I am pleased.

Our November meeting will be a potluck meeting that begins at 6:00 P.M. It is scheduled for Friday November 9th (the 2nd Friday of the month).

The theme will be "Thanksgiving". TBPOA will purchase the turkey and drinks. You might want to bring roast beef, ham or shrimp along with salads and various veggies.

Also, desserts of all kinds will never be turned away.

The nominating committee will present the nominees for the Board of Directors for 2008 and accept nominations from the floor. After which a vote will take place to select the officers.

A drawing for 2 tickets for the Treasure Beach Christmas Party will be held. Tickets were sold at the last community meeting and will be sold at the November meeting. Spend $5 bucks and take a chance on winning $ 75.00 worth of tickets.

I just spoke to Rose Larsen and she said that our lunch bunch will be held at the Palms Grille at 5:00 P.M. on Wednesday November 14th we will give you an up-date regarding the menu later.

Neighborhood Watch

Doug Berndt (461-6943) always needs volunteers for the Neighborhood Watch. He is just asking for just one (1) week of your personal time. Look for his column in this edition.

Regarding the Canals:

Right now it is a "work in progress" as we wait for the county commissioners to award a Marine Engineering Company to determine the health and well being of the canals. Doug Martin (our canal chairman will keep us advised. I am very up beat about our progress thanks to the leadership of Doug Martin.


Our 2007 Board of Directors has unanimously agreed to pursue a membership campaign for 2008. Chairperson Erika Whitley is working diligently to gather the official county mailing addresses of Treasure Beach Property Owners.

Purpose: TBPOA will to send a letter asking that you join as a member of the association. The letter will explain what the association does for you as property owners and why we need you on the membership roles as members in good standing.

Regarding the Ocean boardwalk:

We have discussed a work party to repair/replace the walkway to the beach. We will be asking for volunteers to help us out soon. George Pascucci is our chairman who volunteered to organize a team meeting to discuss plans for this project. We may meet at the Palms Grille on a Friday (to be selected) after 6:00 P.M.We will be asking for your time and talent in the near future. Please say yes when you are asked to help.

Slate of Officers for 2008:

Treasurer -- Barbara Warman
Recording Secretary -- Richard Grubb
Corresponding Secretary -- Rose Larsen
4th Vice President -- Doug Berndt
3rd Vice President -- Paula Murphy
2nd Vice President -- James Berrier
1st Vice President -- Erika Whitley
President -- Charlie Novak

If you would like to run for any of the above duties please submit your name to Taunnie Novak (Nominating Chairperson) anytime before the beginning of our meeting on Friday November 9,2007. Taunnie's phone number is 471-1579 and her email is
Our Web Site:

Our very own Douglas Berndt has agreed to begin the process of up-dating our Web Site.

If successful, we may have our site up and running before Christmas??? We will then have a monthly up-date of Treasure Beach News accessible anywhere in the world, free classified ads to members in good standing and we will be selling advertising space to folks who want to advertise their business on our site (there will be a discount to members in good standing). The advertising banners sold will be a way to offset the cost of maintaining our site. Once this site is up and running we will be adding another web-master to assist Doug Berndt.

Treasure Beach Christmas Party:

We have signed a contract with Amicis' Restaurant for our Annual Christmas Party. The event will take place on Saturday December 1,2007 at 6:00 P.M.

We received so many great complements from those who attended last year that we decided to do it again. Evelyn Delaney, Betty Fell and Dot Delaney are kicking in again this year to decorate and coordinate this event. Contact Evelyn Delaney about tickets. Make your reservation soon. It's not that far away.

For Sale Announcements:

My offer still stands - I will take an email from those who wish to sell or give away items they do not want until our Web Site is up and running. I will take your requests and broadcast to our Treasure Beach residents. For those who are on my email broadcast system this service is free. I just want to give a value added item for Treasure Beach. My e - mail address is CNOVAK6@BELLSOUTH.NET

Community Clean Up:

We have a chairman (George Pascucci) who is looking into a Neighborhood Clean-up that would include construction lumber/materials but not batteries or volatile liquids or propane tanks. We hope to get this set-up after January of 2008.

Our Newsletter /Publication:

We are so appreciate the time and talent of Doug and Sheila Martin (our newsletter editors) for making our newsletter so successful. I believe that we have a distribution of nearly 7,500 households in southern St Johns County. I can recall that only 2 = years ago we had only 5 or 6 pages. Today the newsletter distributed contains nearly 40 pages.

Respectfully Submitted,
Charlie Novak
President TBPOA

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