Wednesday, March 7, 2007

From the President's Dock, February 2007

Our first Friday of the month Community Meeting was well attended- considering that I failed to send you all a reminder of our new meeting day. Look for the sign at the front entrance at Treasure Beach and A1A that advises you of this meeting in case I miss sending a reminder in the future.

Our next meeting will take place March 2nd at 6:00 P.M. at Beachers Lodge. Why 6:00 P.M.? Well, it's a Pot Luck Dinner meeting. Come and bring a dish to pass (Main course, vegetable or dessert). If you have questions about what to bring, contact Taunnie Novak at 471-1579. Come on and plan to attend and bring a friend and/or family.

Yes, we will have a guest speaker at our April Meeting. It will either be our St Johns County Sheriff Shoar or Paul Geiser St. Augustine Historian and a friend.

Our Young Treasure Beach Residents

Last month I invited the parents of those with children to get together with our Board of Directors this year to plan some fun projects for the youngsters here in Treasure Beach.

A suggestion would be a golfing tournament or a day of fishing at the end of Treasure Beach Road or a hobby class to make a project. Please let me know if you as parents/grandparents are interested in helping to get things off the ground. I have not heard a "peep" for you out there. Give me a call and I will get you help and work with you to get things underway.

Membership for 2007

Once again, a reminder- your Treasure Beach Association dues are ready to be accepted by our Treasurer or your Street Captain. Please help us out by clipping out the membership application in this newsletter, write a check and send in to the address shown. Your dues donation supports electric lighting, repairs to common areas, signs and social functions for your enjoyment to name a few. We are also trying to keep your beach walkway in shape as well as dealing with your canals and the county commissioners. Please don't forget us. We need your financial support.!!!! Our Street Captains will be coming around to your house to visit very soon (if they have not already visited you). Please cordially welcome them. They are working for your community.

Our New Shopping Center

I see where our new shopping center is having a Grand Opening. I am told that the owner wants to be a good neighbor and is willing to offer some assistance for our entranceway.

I will try to meet with him and talk. If there is anything that sounds promising I will address with our Board of Directors on the 19th of this month.

Treasure Beach Canals and Commissioner Workshop

Doug Martin and I met with our county commissioners on February 7th. All I will say at this point is that our Committee Chairman Doug Martin and myself are guardedly optimistic. I am sure that Doug will give you as much information as possible at our next community meeting. By the way we all have a real GEM in our Doug Martin. He presented our pleas in a concise and business like demeanor. You should be proud and thankful that he is Chairman of TBPOA Canal Issues. The County Commissioners and the County Attorney interjected remarks that they look forward to working with our committee in the future.

Walker has left us for his Professional Training

A few weeks ago our Guide Dog Puppy " Walker", whom many of you are very familiar, was returned to Palmetto Florida by his momma (Taunnie). Needless to say there were many tears shed. Walker will learn 40 other commands before being matched with a blind person. Hopefully Walker will give the blind person their freedom and independence necessary to live a near normal life.

The day after Taunnie gave up Walker, she received Guide Dog Pup Number # 5 to train for the next 18 to 20 months. You may see Taunnie and him walking down Treasure Beach Streets in the late afternoon. His name is " Seamus". It's an old Irish name and was selected by Taunnie in honor of our retired pastor of St Anastasia Catholic Church-

Father Seamus O'Flynn. His name is pronounced like -- SHAYMUS.

I just wanted to keep you all informed. I am very proud of my wife Taunnie for sacrificing her time and talent needed to raise a pup for the blind. She works at his assignment 24/7 for the benefit of a person who she never meets until the blind person and the dog are matched as a working pair. All her time and money spent is gratis. There is no compensation nor none expected. Kudos to You Taunnie!!


Charlie Novak

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