Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Just heard from St. Johns County.  The county rec'd received 53.2% of in favor of dredging our canals.  The next step is to go before the County Commissioners, which will probably not be until July 16, 2013.
I will update the TBPOA news site and will also set out signs to remind people of the meeting date.
REMEMBER.....if there are bulkheads that our collapsed or not in can call Jim Acosta and leave a message OR you can go onto the county website and got into Code Enforcement and look for the PRIDE tab (I believe on the right side of page)  You can turn in any code violation and remain anonymous.  You will be give a reference number so you can go back into the PRIDE section and view what action has been take.
The bulkheads came up at the 2 county meetings but NO ONE HAS TURNED IN ANY VIOLATIONS TO THE COUNTY.  We need your help to get these violations recorded. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


As of 5/14/2013 (the deadline to get canal forms signed and counted by the county) TB had over 50% of property owners in favor of having the canals dredged.
At the county commissioner's meeting the business manager and TBPOA w/request the commissioners to allow an MSBU (Municipal Services Benefit Unit) for TBPOA so we can proceed with the canal dredging project.
The public is invited to the commissioner meeting.  You can get on the county website and look up the date of the meeting.  I will be posting the date as soon as I have a confirmation of the times, etc.

Friday, May 3, 2013


TB is very close to getting the canals dredged.  If you haven't sent in your canal form, please do so right away.  You can fax the signed form to Damon Douglas at 904-209-0795 or you can e-mail him at   If you cannot fax or e-mail, please call me at 461-4356 and I will pick up the form.  John Kelleher is delivering forms to Damon every other day.
We are down to the deadline!  The committee has spent alot of time and effort getting this project to go forward.  PLEASE HELP BY GETTING YOUR FORM IN TODAY!
I can't believe it, but someone took the American Flag right off of our flag pole on our dock.  We called the police and they told us there has been a huge increase in thefts in general in St. Aug. They also think the thief came up the canal to do this.
If you are missing any items from your home or yard, make sure to notify the Sheriff's Dept.  (Although it is embarrassing to have two patrol cars pull up in front of your house!)
On the other hand, the St. Johns Cty. Sheriff's Dept. has been very responsive to Treasure Beach!