Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 2011 Newsletter

WOW! I can’t believe how the time is flying. 2011 already! When I was much younger, I thought by this time we’d all be getting back and forth to work like the Jestsons did!! (I hope most of you remember watching the Jetsons’ cartoons.) Think about it…..a lot of space programs we watched as children are a reality today!

A new year is the time to think about ways to enrich our lives. Think of ways you can reduce your stress.

  • Turn off the television
  • Take time to read. Whether you’re reading for pleasure or to learn something, it’s a peaceful time. (I highly recommend the Bible. It has everything; love, sex, murder, adultery, war and redemption.)
  • Be thankful for what you have. It can always get worse.
  • If you have children, spend more quality time with them. They grow too fast.
  • If you’re fortunate enough to still have your parents, spend more time with them. They can be a wealth of information.
  • “Stay in your own lane.” (Quoted by Paula Dean). What does that mean? Not every problem has to become your problem. Learn which ones should involve you and which ones should not. I’m sure we all thought life would get easier as we floated into retirement age. I know I did. Well, I’m learning to become a better driver and “stay in my own lane”.

Mark your calendars now! We will not be holding monthly meetings in 2011.

TBPOA Event Calendar

  • March 8, 2011 - 7:30 p.m.
  • June 14, 2011 - 7:30 p.m.
  • September 13, 2011 – 6:30 p.m.
    – Covered Dish Meeting and Nomination of Board Members for 2012.
  • November 8 – 7:30 p.m.
    – Vote for Board Members for 2012
  • Volunteers Appreciation Dinner - TBA
  • December, 2011 – Christmas Party - TBA (Gisela already has the meat dish picked out!!)


Non-emergency Sheriff’s Dept. 904-824-8304
Non-emergency Fire Dept. 904-829-2226
Florida Highway Patrol 904-825-5080
St. Augustine Beach Police Dept 904-471-3600
FP & L 800-226-3545
Hurricane Evacuation (assistance) 904-824-5550
Roads and Bridges 904-209-0246
School Information 904-547-7500
Solid Waste Dept. (appliances, large furniture, etc) 904-827-6980
St. Johns Public Library 904-827-6900
St. Johns County Utility Dept (Water & Sewer) 904-209-2700
Sunshine Bus Co. 904-209-3716
Recycling Dept. 904-827-1005
St. John’s County Wildlife Control 888-404-3922

One of the most important numbers is the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Dept. Keep it handy. If you see suspicious activity you must call the police. Not a board member after the fact. It’s good to make someone on the board aware of any illegal situation and the fact that the police were notified.

Remember…..each street is its own “neighborhood watch program”.


Charity Horse Farm Open to the Public
Saturday, February 5, 2010
Awaiting Justice Equine Welfare
Diamonds in the Rough Farm
4411 Rues Landing Road (off SR 16 West)
St. Augustine, FL 32092
904-347-6542 – Diane Walsh
$20 per car donation

This is an opportunity to see Serafina, also known as “Awaiting Justice”, who is the great- granddaughter of Triple Crown Winner Secretariat.


Cleaning for a Reason (www.cleaningforareason.org) is an organization that will provide free cleaning (once per month for 4 months), for anyone who is currently receiving Chemotherapy treatment. This organization “Cleaning for a Reason” serves the entire USA and currently has 547 partners nationwide to participate in this program. All you need to do is go online to sign up and have your doctor fax a note confirming your treatment.


By now you should have (or will shortly) receive the 2011 dues letter. I hope you took the time to read the letter from the board members. Please pay your dues ASAP! Kudos to the people who have already paid their dues without being reminded!!

The TBPOA Board is open to suggestions as to ways to improve Treasure Beach. Please e-mail me at rpm2121@bellsouth.net.


It is my understanding that anyone can put an article in the First Coast Communities Journal.

There are only two articles that are sanctioned by the TBPOA Board. The ones written by me and by Sharon McIlhenney. Any other articles are submitted by individuals expressing their own personal opinions. They are neither approved by or are the express opinions of the TBPOA Board.


Last, but not least. Around the end of every month, the First Coast Communities Journal is delivered to you (free of charge) in an orange plastic bag. I think some people think this is an advertisement so they toss it without even looking at it. It has information in it regarding Treasure Beach…..please read it. It is not an advertisement.


Paula Murphy, President
Treasure Beach Property Owners Assn.