Thursday, September 23, 2010
Historic City Memories: Signs of times gone by
Historic City Memories: Signs of times gone by
It's a great story, full of interesting tidbits & shows an old picture of the A1 Aleworks building when it was the Plaza Hotel. Check it out, it's pretty cool.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
This month (mid-August), I decided to go for a drive around Treasure Beach to check out the neighborhood. I haven't really visited all 17 streets (Ajo, Barco, Basque, Costanero, Desoto, Gomez, Hildago, Majorca, Ole, Pizarro, Puebla, Rio Royale, Rojo, Salado, Treasure Beach, Ventura and Villa Verda) in our neighborhood since before 2003 when we were actually looking to buy property here. It always seems to amaze me that our little community of some 492 properties is in a constant state of change. In my travels, I saw that two lots had been cleared on Rio Royale (maybe a new home is coming?), a new home being built on Puebla, neighbors actually outside in the 90+ temperatures talking to each other, a total of ~37 For Sale and ~8 For Rent signs. Unfortunately I also witnessed emergency vehicles responding to a call on Pizarro, and thought to myself (since the only one with me was my faithful four-legged friend) that whatever the emergency, the hope is that it wasn't too serious. Let me congratulate Larry on a great and informative article this month on our community. I know that those who have already read it will agree, and if you haven't read it yet, it's a must read!
Special thanks go out to all of our neighbors who exercised their civic responsibility by voting in the primary during early voting, on August 24, and/or by serving as pollworkers. Next comes the general election on the first Tuesday in November.
Neighborhood news is always welcome! Please contact me at or 904-461-3397 if you have something to share.

Did you Know there is a Patriot Day!:
In the United States, Patriot Day occurs on September 11 of each year, designated in memory of the 2,993 killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks. Most Americans refer to the day as "Nine-Eleven (9/11)," "September Eleventh," or some variation thereof.
U.S. House of Representatives Joint Resolution 71 was approved by a vote of 407-0 on October 25, 2001. It requested that the President designate September 11 of each year as "Patriot Day." President George W. Bush signed the resolution into law on December 18, 2001 (as Public Law 107-89). It is a discretionary day of remembrance.
Initially, the day was called the Prayer and Remembrance for the Victims of the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001.
On September 4, 2002, President Bush used his authority created by the resolution and proclaimed September 11, 2002 as Patriot Day.
On this day, the President directs that the American flag be flown at half-staff at individual American homes, at the White House, and on all U.S. government buildings and establishments, home and abroad. The President also asks Americans to observe a moment of silence beginning at 8:46 A.M. (Eastern Daylight Time), the time of the first plane crash on September 11, 2001.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
September 2010 Newsletter
FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DOCKS SEPTEMBER 2010 Is it just me or did it seem like July lasted forever!!!!!!!!!!! We were out of town for one week in July….back to Cincinnati, Ohio for a visit with relatives and friends. Hmmmmm….now that I think about it…..that visit seemed like it lasted much longer than a week! I thought St. Augustine was hot and humid….Cincinnati was almost as bad! But….I still like St. Augustine winters much better. Well, it's official. I am retired….a lady of leisure! Ha! What a joke! I can sum it up in a statement made by a friend of mine who recently retired: "I've never been busier and accomplished nothing at the end of the day." I keep telling myself that as soon as I get a "schedule" I'll be okay. COMMUNITY MEETING: September 14, 2010 – TIME CHANGE: 6:30 PM – BEACHER'S LODGE This is a "pot luck" dinner, my favorite kind. (I thought the time was 6:00, but according to the signs Charlie Novak had made for us…it's at 6:30). This is always a good time to see people you haven't seen in awhile and to meet new owners and renters. Bring a dish to share. Drinks will be provided. In the past, people have brought their own plates and utensils. We will have extras there in the event that you forget yours. GUEST SPEAKER John Birney, a financial planner, will be speaking at our meeting about retirement income ideas. In this time of lower interest rates on CDs, etc. you will find his information very interesting. John has been investing for 25 years. Ron and I had an opportunity to meet with John and were very impressed with his knowledge. This is just an "informational meeting" and there won't be any sales pitch! OCTOBER 12, 2010 – 7:30 PM – BEACHER'S LODGE There will not be a guest speaker at this meeting as we will focus on nominating new board members. No experience or resume required! If you really want to know what TBPOA is all about, being on the board is the way to learn. Please think about your friends and neighbors in Treasure Beach and talk to them about being involved and nominated for a board position. It's good to have new ideas on the team. Don't nominate a name without talking to the person first. Some people don't like surprises! ARTICLES FOR OUR NEWSLETTER It's not always easy to find interesting things to mention in our newsletter. I don't know a lot of what is going on in the neighborhood. The St. Johns County Sheriff keeps me up to date on the police issues. However, that's usually bad news. I need some GOOD NEWS ( You can also call me at 461-4356. Examples: Who just entered the service or just got out, graduations, new babies or grandchildren, awards given, recoveries from illnesses, exciting trips, etc. Larry Panchuk wrote a great article about the positive changes in Treasure Beach over the past few years. He also mentioned that by talking to your neighbors you learn who in T.B. owns a business that you may need their particular service. If you do own a business and live in Treasure Beach, please let us know. We will put your name and business information on our web site. Please e-mail Doug Berndt at I LOVE DOGS!!!! I've owned two myself! But, I have noticed people walking their dogs along Costanero without "doggie bags" to clean up the "poop". Are they using their hands? Certainly they are not just leaving the mess there for people to step in? Stick some Publix, Winn Dixie or Walmart plastic bags in your pocket and do the right thing! DON'T FORGET – Reserve Dec. 11th 2010 That's the date of the TBPOA Christmas Party at Beacher's Lodge. More details as they develop! CLEAN UP DAY – CHANGED TO OCTOBER 16TH By popular demand we have been asked to move clean up day to October instead of September due to the hot weather. Please contact me BY OCTOBER 1st if you are interested in being the contact person for your street. Hey, don't we have some street captains out there still???? SIGNING OFF Remember: On the highways of life…..stay in your own lane. Thanks for your continuing support! Paula Murphy President | |||