Merry Christmas everybody!! And Happy Hanukah, too.
I hope you all will have an enjoyable holiday season finishes up with a welcoming into the New Year 2008. We all have much to be thankful. If you are reading this now you are fortunate to be alive. My wife Taunnie is healing very well and we thank you for all your prayers and good wishes for a speedy recovery.
To me the winter season always seems to bring sadness with the passing of someone you knew - like the old fella Bill (we really never got to know his last name) who died on Thanksgiving Day. Bill lived at Costanero and Pizarro. Taunnie and I always stopped to chat with Bill when he was outside. Then there was Barbara O'Connell who passed away in November, as well. We were friends with Jim and Barbara. Actually we met them while singing in our church choir. Barbara had a beautiful soprano voice. The soft angelic sounds she offered gave me goose bumps. Taunnie and I will miss Bill and Barbara.
I hope you noticed our front entrance decorations for 2007 - the Christmas decorations were installed on a Sunday morning by Treasure Beach volunteers Steve and Phyllis Abbott. I would like to thank you both for volunteering to do this job for our community.
Also, have you noticed how our very own Jill Ziebell has designed our planters in front? Looking good Miss Jill!! It looks like you are getting ready to lay down some flagstone to contrast the front wall colors. We are grateful for your time and talent.
The following board members will be installed at our January 4, 2008, meeting at Beachers Lodge. Please make plans to attend this meeting to show your support for their efforts in 2008.
Treasure -- Barbara Warman
Corresponding Secretary -- Rose Larsen
Recording Secretary -- Richard Grubb
Vice President -- Doug Berndt
Vice President -- Paula Murphy
Vice President -- Jim Berrier
Vice President -- Erica Whitley
President -- Charlie Novak
Once again, I would like to thank folks named above for accepting the tasks and duties as officers for TBPOA. I am confident that this body of individuals will work to the best interest of Treasure Beach. I personally look forward to working with these fine people.
Our plate will be full this year with special tasks but we are up to it. The first thing on the list of things to do is our membership letter that will be mailed to every property owner in Treasure Beach - February 2008
We have a planning committee working as I write, to begin repairs to our beach walk. We also have a Treasure Beach Clean up day set for January 2008. We have made plans to accept building materials that you have been wanting to get rid of but did not have the pick up truck to take to the landfill.
Our Canal Committee will be on the job coordinating effort with our county commission and with the help of Mr. Ben Rich our district commissioner. Don't forget to keep him in mind when he runs for a second term.
I will try to steer our tasks toward completion, as long as God grants me the health and sanity to do it.
Neighborhood Watch
Doug Berndt (461-6943) always needs volunteers for the Neighborhood Watch. He is just asking for just one (1) week of your personal time. Look for his column in this edition. Also his time and efforts in the Web Site is substantial. He is hoping that a community member would step forward to take the job of assigning Neighborhood Watch weeks. Please give him a call if you might want to take over this task.
Our Web Site:
Have you taken a Gander at the site??? Please do yourself a favor. Look it over. Doug Berndt has done a great job. We are so proud of you Doug. Good Job!! The web site is WWW.TREASURE-BEACH.NET
Community Clean Up:
Our chairman ,George Pascucci, working with Jim Berrier has set a date in January 2008 for the Neighborhood Clean-up that would include construction lumber/materials but not batteries or volatile liquids or propane tanks and no regular trash or lawn trash that is normally picked up at your driveway each week. Look for signs posted thought your community for the date and place.
Last but not least --
Our Christmas Party held at Amici's was very nice and really a lot of fun. No, we failed to get 100 folks to attend; we had about 85 in attendance. Three of our commissioners and their spouse and children, as well as, Col. Art May and his wife of our Sheriff's Department accepted our invitation. I do know that they enjoyed themselves.
The food was very good as usual and so were the desserts. George the D.J. was there to help us dance the night away. Then Evelyn Delaney gathered up volunteers to lead us in song. We also had a great time playing the kazoos to well-known songs of the holidays. Not to forget the duo song presentation by Tom Manuel and Ben Rich singing " Grandma got run over by a beer truck". And let's not forget the wonderful folks from Lighthouse Realty- They are a real "party crowd". It was fun seeing them have fun. You know - Peter Diamond and Karen Lindsey have supported Treasure Beach functions for as long as I can recall. The door prizes of wine ( so lovely packaged ) and the gift certificates for Amici's were absolutely wonderful. Thank you very much.
Oh -- did I forget anyone???? No I did not ...I wanted to give special acknowledgement to:
Evelyn Delaney, Betty Fell and Dot Delaney - may I say thank you for your time and expertise ( in party planning) and your total efforts to make this party a very nice experience.
To those who could not make this affair for one reason or another - I wish you could have attended. You missed out on an enjoyable evening with good food and fun. You missed a chance to sit with and meet your neighbors. You missed a chance to chat with your commissioners and Col. Art May of our Sheriffs Department. Finally, you missed an opportunity to support your very own community and for this I was disappointed.
May you all have a very nice Christmas Season. May your new year be one of good health and happiness .God Bless you all.
Charlie Novak,
President, TBPOA
Saturday, December 1, 2007
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