Wednesday, January 31, 2007

From the President's Dock December 2006

Well, a new year has arrived. I am looking forward to progress on the beach walkway and the up coming talks with the county commissioners regarding our canals. We will begin our new year with a change in the meeting time beginning February. We will meet on the first Friday of each month instead of Monday. The time will be the same (7:30 P.M.).

So we look forward to seeing you all on Friday February 2nd at Beachers Lodge. The change was brought about by request of many who want to participate but cannot due to work schedules.

Plans for the community meetings

How about several potluck meetings this year? Dinner would begin at 6:00 P.M. with a short meeting to follow.

Yes, we will arrange to have a few guest speakers throughout the year. Let us know if there is a subject you might want to cover and we will work to get a special guest speaker concerning that subject. Put your thinking caps on.

Our Young Treasure Beach Residents

I would like invite the parents of those with children to get together with our Board of Directors this year to plan some fun projects for the youngsters here in Treasure Beach.

A suggestion would be a golfing tournament or a day of fishing at the end of Treasure Beach Road or a hobby class to make a project. Please let me know if you as parents/grandparents are interested in helping to get things off the ground.

Membership for 2007

Just as a reminder- your Treasure Beach Association dues are ready to be accepted by our Treasurer. Please help us out by clipping out the membership application in this newsletter, write a check and send in to the address shown. Your dues donation supports electric lighting, repairs to common areas, signs and social functions for your enjoyment to name a few. We are also trying to keep your beach walkway in shape as well as dealing with your canals and the county commissioners. Please don't forget us. We need your financial support.!!!!

Vandalism in our community

To my knowledge, our sheriffs office has not helped us in the past 3 years with a single arrest of a vandal associated with destroying our mail boxes, destroying our entrance way, breaking into homes, etc. I am considering asking our chairman of the neighborhood watch to send an open letter to the Editor of the "Record" asking the Sheriff for his response to our on going problems. For those who are contemplating selling their property or the realtors who have listed homes in Treasure Beach all I can say is that the acts of vandalism are like a sore thumb easily noted at the front entrance-

Really not good for sales.

Our New Shopping Center

Our new shopping center may possibly create a problem with traffic at A1A and Treasure Beach Road. Take a close look at the entrance and exit of this shopping center. Any kind of heavy traffic going or coming into this lot may be the cause of traffic accidents. Just bringing it to your attention to consider possible solutions you may have to present at our coming community meetings.

I would also like the shopping center owner/management consider a security camera that picks up activity at the front entrance as well as the shopping center itself. I am told that already there have been break-ins and graffiti already on the walls. Who wouldn't guess that !! What a way to start.


Charlie Novak

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

From The President's Dock ...

We had a nice group of neighbors who helped decorate our front entrance- Bill & Marion Libby, Nancy Gaj, Rose Larson and Barbara & Mike Warman.

Your help is appreciated. I think that it looks very nice and helps to put everyone in a holiday mood.

I have helped with the Treasure Beach Front entrance decorations as well as Christmas decorations at church where I work. Now all I have to do is fi nd time to do our house.

Our Webmaster

Our Webmaster Rusty Yates of Gomez Road has performed well for our community. Rusty has been deluged with an enormous workload by his present full time job. All I can say is that you are very much appreciated and we Thank You . Please hang in there

-- We need your expertise.

Neighborhood Watch:

I am going to ask you as neighbors to step forward and volunteer for a week of Neighborhood Watch. Our chairman has done the past three weeks to keep our community covered. Where are you volunteers??? I just don't get it.

You want your community to be safe and secure and don't want to volunteer for a week. For you who care but have been putting it off; call Doug Berndt at 461-6943.

We are (Treasure Beach) in serious jeopardy of not having a neighborhood watch due to lack of participation.

Is that what you want?

Your response to this appeal or lack thereof will show.

You can't say that - I don't have a computer therefore I did not get a request asking to help this community. When you reached down and picked up your newsletter from your driveway-- You got the call for help.

TBPOA Christmas Party

Sales of our tickets were brisk and were sold out!!!!

Those who bought up the tickets treated themselves to a great bargain and a wonderful time. Details and pictures of this party will follow. Our Chairwoman Evelyn Delaney did a marvelous job of organizing things and selling the tickets. Thanks Evelyn!!

Our Young Treasure Beach Residents

Just last week I received a phone call request from one of our junior neighbors Devin Demello of Hildago Road.

Devin asked for Treasure Beach Association's sanction in performing a school project. I gladly agreed to offer our blessings and I anticipate a report back from Devin in the future. I will keep you informed of the out come of Devin's Project.

We are proud of our young adults here in Treasure Beach. I only wish the parents of the youngsters in our community might get together and form a group to offer extra curricular activities here in Treasure Beach for our young folks. Like bowling or golf or fishing outings. How about cooking or sewing lessons or craft construction? We of the Board of Directors believe that Treasure Beach is not just only adults but children and young adults.

Are you interested in getting something started? Just contact me or one of our officers as a fi rst step. You will have our support.

Membership for 2007

Just as a gentle reminder: your Treasure Beach Association dues are ready to be accepted by our Treasurer.

Please help us out by cutting out the membership application in this newsletter, write a check and send in to the address shown. Your dues donation supports electric lighting, repairs to common areas, signs and functions for your enjoyment to name a few. We are also trying to keep your beach walkway in shape as well as dealing with your canals and the county commissioners. Please don't forget us. We need your financial support.!!!!

In Closing

May you and your family and your extended family here in Treasure Beach be blessed with Health and Happiness in the weeks and months to come in 2007. I hope that next year will bring this community success and accomplishment with the Canals and our Boardwalk. If you would like to consider being a volunteer, let us know. You will only be asked to help for the number of hours you volunteered for.

We will not pressure you. Just give the time you can. A little bit of time offered by many will accomplish much.

I wrote a letter to Santa and on my wish list at the top was < "Please give us volunteers".

Again, on behalf of my wife Taunnie, Walker (our guide dog who will leave us anuary 25th) and myself- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Charlie Novak

Puppy Raiser of the Year in Jacksonville Florida

Taunnie Novak received the award of Puppy Raiser of the Year 2006 from Area Coordinator Thresa Shaver this week in a ceremony in Jacksonville.

Taunnie raises Guide Dog Puppies for Southeastern Guide Dogs -- Palmetto Florida.

Taunnie is currently raising "Walker" (a golden and Labrador mix). Walker is nearly ready to be returned to the School in Palmetto for his professional training.

This is Taunnie's fourth guide dog puppy she has raised. " It's always difficult to return your assigned puppy to the school but without puppy raisers like us there would be no guide dogs for the seeing impaired."

Taunnie and her husband Charlie reside here in Treasure Beach.